Obviously we can't vote without a confirmed translation, but the effect would probably be really weird if they made a 6 mana 7/7 Elemental.
EDIT: Well this is certainly interesting. It's a very weird card, but has a lot of experimental possibilities with it. We however have gone yet another expansion without Therazane.
It's a super slow value card with combo potential. If there is a combo shaman can make with this card, it will probably see play. Dopplegangster + this is pretty funny on its own.
Battlecry: Return your other minions to your hand, make them cost (1)
Mistranslations oops
Yup this translation is currently the most accurate one. However I wonder if the card might be too slow in an aggro meta, returning minion to your hand is often a tempo loss.
But imagine if you return saronite chain gang into your hand and played it again for 2 mana, 2 mana summon 4 2/3 taunt.
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Idk, I saw it too. I wonder what it means...anyone read whatever that is??
Yeah, I can rate it.
Cuz I can definitely speak that language.
Doesn't look fluffy....
Great, more Shaman RNG....
edit: Final translation live now. Holy shit, this serious in control and mid-range shaman. That it has an elemental tag, is actually overkill.
I'm pretty sure its battlecry evolve a minion in your hand by (1)
So fluffy <3
Best name so far
update: clearly too good to be true
I don't speak that language but I'm pretty sure that (1) is for overload
Apparently: Return all minions to your hand - they cost 1.
Obviously we can't vote without a confirmed translation, but the effect would probably be really weird if they made a 6 mana 7/7 Elemental.
EDIT: Well this is certainly interesting. It's a very weird card, but has a lot of experimental possibilities with it. We however have gone yet another expansion without Therazane.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Battlecry: Return your other minions to your hand, make them cost (1)
Mistranslations oops
It's battlecry is return your other minions to your hand. They cost 1
Okay, now that we have the actual translation.
It's a super slow value card with combo potential. If there is a combo shaman can make with this card, it will probably see play. Dopplegangster + this is pretty funny on its own.
Also, Servant of Kalimos buff.
So... still no support for freeze shaman.... they gave up on that one quickly.
Now, if we can only get them to give up on discard warlock...
Battlecry: return all your other minions to your hand and change their costs to (1)