I finished the dawngrasp book today got my mage pack and the achievement but i thought we would get something else for completing the whole book of mercenaries just like how we got..i believe a golden standard pack for completing book of heroes.
Not only Kazakusan run away, but Onyxia... she seemingly got outrunned by a pair of gryphs? Seriously the end of the Book of Mercenaries has been quite anticlimatic.
Not only Kazakusan run away, but Onyxia... she seemingly got outrunned by a pair of gryphs? Seriously the end of the Book of Mercenaries has been quite anticlimatic.
I thought it was her dying because she was called "Onyxia Risen" or something like that. I think the Dark Naaru was keeping her alive and she ran out of it's power. I agree that it felt a bit anticlimactic. I liked that we fought Onyxia 4 different times, but I was hoping we'd see them rescue Anduin or have another fight against Kazakusan to wrap up that storyline. But nope, we just got the "Happy ending for everyone. We'll never meet again" ending
I saw a video somewhere where someone theorized the timeline of each expansion and they suggested that Gadgetzan is later chronologically than these events
Technically Gadgetzan happened in the future, but the Hearthstone timeline is extremely fucked. In the expansion is said that Kazakus is the leader of the Kabal, and he seems to have already as much power as on Gadgetzan.
I saw a video somewhere where someone theorized the timeline of each expansion and they suggested that Gadgetzan is later chronologically than these events
Technically Gadgetzan happened in the future, but the Hearthstone timeline is extremely fucked. In the expansion is said that Kazakus is the leader of the Kabal, and he seems to have already as much power as on Gadgetzan.
Oh I didn't think of that. I'm sure it crossed my mind, but I wasn't considering it with this question. So I guess we already know what happened to Kazakus. I guess he's still a dragon in Gadgetzan. EVEN HIS FLAVOR TEXT MENTIONS HIM CREATING A POTION THAT WOULDN'T HURT HIM WHICH IS DRAGONFIRE POTION. Insane the worldbuilding in this game.
I've been playing since BRM, but I never really thought of a timeline until FitB came out.
I believe ShadowAldrius meant literally the Mercenary (game mode) content - not the book. There are still two(?) bounties left there. And the ongoing questchain gives a sentence or two narration-wise on each of those.
I saw a video somewhere where someone theorized the timeline of each expansion and they suggested that Gadgetzan is later chronologically than these events
Technically Gadgetzan happened in the future, but the Hearthstone timeline is extremely fucked. In the expansion is said that Kazakus is the leader of the Kabal, and he seems to have already as much power as on Gadgetzan.
Oh I didn't think of that. I'm sure it crossed my mind, but I wasn't considering it with this question. So I guess we already know what happened to Kazakus. I guess he's still a dragon in Gadgetzan. EVEN HIS FLAVOR TEXT MENTIONS HIM CREATING A POTION THAT WOULDN'T HURT HIM WHICH IS DRAGONFIRE POTION. Insane the worldbuilding in this game.
I've been playing since BRM, but I never really thought of a timeline until FitB came out.
I mean, it was kinda known already that he created dragonfire potion, or at least that it was someone from the Kabal. Considering that he was a dragon in the trailer it was pretty obvious that it was him.
I saw a video somewhere where someone theorized the timeline of each expansion and they suggested that Gadgetzan is later chronologically than these events
Technically Gadgetzan happened in the future, but the Hearthstone timeline is extremely fucked. In the expansion is said that Kazakus is the leader of the Kabal, and he seems to have already as much power as on Gadgetzan.
Oh I didn't think of that. I'm sure it crossed my mind, but I wasn't considering it with this question. So I guess we already know what happened to Kazakus. I guess he's still a dragon in Gadgetzan. EVEN HIS FLAVOR TEXT MENTIONS HIM CREATING A POTION THAT WOULDN'T HURT HIM WHICH IS DRAGONFIRE POTION. Insane the worldbuilding in this game.
I've been playing since BRM, but I never really thought of a timeline until FitB came out.
I mean, it was kinda known already that he created dragonfire potion, or at least that it was someone from the Kabal. Considering that he was a dragon in the trailer it was pretty obvious that it was him.
Would you mind telling me which trailer he was a dragon in? Because I rewatched FitB, UiS and FiAV and didn't see anything
So what happened to Kazakusan? He kinda just ran away
I finished the dawngrasp book today got my mage pack and the achievement but i thought we would get something else for completing the whole book of mercenaries just like how we got..i believe a golden standard pack for completing book of heroes.
Not only Kazakusan run away, but Onyxia... she seemingly got outrunned by a pair of gryphs? Seriously the end of the Book of Mercenaries has been quite anticlimatic.
Click here to see my custom pirate adventure, The Treasures of VanCleef! https://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/fan-creations/240766-expansion-competition-the-treasures-of-vancleef
Ran away to appear in another expansion in three years time, and so on...
I thought it was her dying because she was called "Onyxia Risen" or something like that. I think the Dark Naaru was keeping her alive and she ran out of it's power. I agree that it felt a bit anticlimactic. I liked that we fought Onyxia 4 different times, but I was hoping we'd see them rescue Anduin or have another fight against Kazakusan to wrap up that storyline. But nope, we just got the "Happy ending for everyone. We'll never meet again" ending
Might be resolved in the latest Mercenary content? I dunno. Mercenaries barely does any narrative stuff. (Which it should)
This is from the latest Mercenary content.
Click here to see my custom pirate adventure, The Treasures of VanCleef! https://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/fan-creations/240766-expansion-competition-the-treasures-of-vancleef
I saw a video somewhere where someone theorized the timeline of each expansion and they suggested that Gadgetzan is later chronologically than these events
Technically Gadgetzan happened in the future, but the Hearthstone timeline is extremely fucked. In the expansion is said that Kazakus is the leader of the Kabal, and he seems to have already as much power as on Gadgetzan.
Click here to see my custom pirate adventure, The Treasures of VanCleef! https://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/fan-creations/240766-expansion-competition-the-treasures-of-vancleef
Oh I didn't think of that. I'm sure it crossed my mind, but I wasn't considering it with this question. So I guess we already know what happened to Kazakus. I guess he's still a dragon in Gadgetzan. EVEN HIS FLAVOR TEXT MENTIONS HIM CREATING A POTION THAT WOULDN'T HURT HIM WHICH IS DRAGONFIRE POTION. Insane the worldbuilding in this game.
I've been playing since BRM, but I never really thought of a timeline until FitB came out.
I believe ShadowAldrius meant literally the Mercenary (game mode) content - not the book.
There are still two(?) bounties left there. And the ongoing questchain gives a sentence or two narration-wise on each of those.
I mean, it was kinda known already that he created dragonfire potion, or at least that it was someone from the Kabal. Considering that he was a dragon in the trailer it was pretty obvious that it was him.
Click here to see my custom pirate adventure, The Treasures of VanCleef! https://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/fan-creations/240766-expansion-competition-the-treasures-of-vancleef
Would you mind telling me which trailer he was a dragon in? Because I rewatched FitB, UiS and FiAV and didn't see anything
In his first appearance, Mean Streets of Gadgetzan. Quite a while ago, first new expansion for me since I've started playing 5-6 years ago :)
In fact, he doesn't appear in any of this year trailers.
Click here to see my custom pirate adventure, The Treasures of VanCleef! https://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/fan-creations/240766-expansion-competition-the-treasures-of-vancleef
Oh man I have to rewatch it