Death Knight Control Warrior
- Last updated Aug 17, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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- 17 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 4 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 9380
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/10/2017 (Frozen Throne)

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Total Deck Rating
Tier prediction: Tier 1! (Or very high Tier 2)
WE DID IT! FRONT PAGE! Thanks for all the support and comments guys! I'll continue to update regularly and get the videos out ASAP.
My first few games in ranked (Up to rank 14, will continue to update. Still haven't had too much time.)
Warrior gaining some excellent control cards this expansion, and even with the lack of 1 and 6 drops I believe this list will hold up with the best. REMEMBER TO TECH FOR YOUR META! SUB/TECH SECTION BELOW!
Other people have made vids as well so check them out below especially if you're looking for more professional players.
As usual more up votes, more detail AND VIDS!
Up votes:
10: Full mulligan guide and my pilot video
25: Tech choices/substitutions vs. current meta (will update over the next couple weeks due to meta development)
50: 'Most' meta match up videos w/ detailed play style explanations (vids coming soon, multiple rolling out during the next couple weeks)
Mulligan Guide:
For now the mulligan will be the same for all classes until we have an established meta, then it will get updated.
Keep: Armorsmith, Fiery War Axe, Tar Creeper, Acolyte of Pain, Frothing Berserker, Ravaging Ghoul. If you have a good 3 drop feel free to mulligan the others unless it's specific synergy like Frothing Berserker and Ravaging Ghoul. Keep Forge of Souls if you don't have a Fiery War Axe.
General Subs/Tech:
Aggro Heavy Meta: -1x Bonemare +1x Tar Creeper
-1x Execute +1x Slam
-1xAlexstrasza +1x Armorsmith
Control Heavy Meta: -1x Acolyte of Pain +1x Elise the Trailblazer
Jade/Priest Heavy Match Ups: -1x Slam +1x Skulking Geist
Additional pwners spotlights:
Comments/questions welcomed and answered below
With minor changes it's pretty good so far on me - 60% winrate (25-17). Aggressive hunter is be a most dangerous enemy for me, but i still don't have a neither of [card]Sleep with the Fishes[/card] copy. With that one, this be a awesome deck for sure
Picture of my version this deck
There is no replacement for Alex and her effects. Try with another Bonemare best on Alley Armorsmith (give you +6 armor every attack).
just bc you're good at hs doesn't make this a a tier 1 deck. my friend is currently at rank 3 playing otk/mill/miracle/dk rogue and has been winstreaking for 12 wins now
nice deck ty I made a small change -2 Tar Creeper +2 Stonehill Defender
Is there any alternative to Grommash Hellscream? Just lacking dust for this.
jenkins maybe?
Everything with good enrage and charge effects is good replacement, but only Grommash have both of that in single move :(
Try maybe with Charged Devilsaur for good charge on enemy minions instantly, or maybe Leeroy Jenkins be good as a finisher (Reckless Rocketeer for those who don't have a Leeroy).
Try it, combine, have fun!
Ugh, risked my last dust on this one and went 0-3. Goanna take a break and try later before I punch my screen, haha.
This deck is nowhere near tier 1, it can not beat any of the main 3 druid decks under any circumstances except disconnection by opponent. You will never get above rank 12 with this deck.
Obviously you didn't do the skulking geist swap as recommended, down around rank 2-4, am at least 80wr against aggro and jade druid.
come on this deck needs trailblazer for sure :D ok i was wrong trailblazer doesnt go half the time you have to many cards in hand to open pack but i did lose slam for rotface :D
Anything to replace The Lich King and Alexstrasza?
maybe you need to play aggro druid ;)
i used Rotface instead of Alexstrasza
People saying this deck is trash; it's not. I have 2000+ wins with Warrior and I can say that it still performs well across the board, but obviously Jade Druid and Control Priest can be very tricky. This list is not optimized though, but it does have certain ideas that are different from classic control warrior, that currently benefits the deck. Among these are the additions of Frothing Berserkers, which can really step up to the plate and win you games. Obviously, this deck isn't running shield slams, but I find that crossing back into hyper control territory doesn't suit the meta all that well anyways, so putting a bit more pressure on your opponents is the way to go.
Changes that, in my opinion, should be made to this deck: -1xBonemare, -1xForge of Souls, -1xBrawl, -1xBlood Razor (yes, I know, seems strange), and +1xArmorsmith, +Elise Trailblazer, +2xShieldblock
Black Knight and Skulking Geist are two cards that could easily be teched into this deck, at the cost of e.g. a shield block or tar creeper.
Sleep with the fishes + all the whirlwind effects allows for one brawl to be substituted. This could very well change in the near future though. Elise is simply too good not to run in control decks, and easily outperforms Bonemare in this deck. 2xBlood Razor can be a bit clunky, and Forge of souls is certainly not optimal. Instead 2xShieldblock is more universal and allows you to be more free in using the DK. Tar Creeper is always a good card, and synergizes well with Frothing and Armor smith. The lategame squad of Alex, Grom, Lich King, Primordial and Elise should get the job done against a lot of opponents, especially if you use your less valuable minions to bait out some removal. 2xBloodhoof and Alley armorsmith is also suprisingly efficient against many decks.
Control warrior won't see tier 1, and perhaps not tier 2, until Jade Druid is nerfed, but at least you can still be competitive with some adept deck building and smart play.
2 shieldblock, and no shield slam ... Dude that's asking for really shitty hands early. With the incoming nerf to fiery war axe, i'm definitely not going to try that now ...
Wrote that comment way back when. Right now I'd say the only two viable Warrior decks are pirates and Dead Man's Hand Fatigue Warrior. Tempo lists aren't terrible, but simply gets outperformed by murloc Paladin and pirates.
Anyhow, you would rarely want your shield slam and shield block in your opening hand.. So I really don't understand your comment. Also, skulking geist is a pretty big deal for shield slams. Thus I'd recommend not playing classic control warrior until the druid meta fades away more.
This deck sucks.