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Ragnaros' Fire Festival FUN: Heal Your Opponent...

  • Last updated Jul 6, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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  • 30 Minions
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Hi! I am CoffeeFreak. This is a Warrior deck for Ragnaros' Fire Festival Tavern Brawl that will heal both me and my opponent so the two of us can together make the biggest Mini-Rag possible. ^^

Strategy: The idea is to keep both yourself and your opponent alive as long as possible to create the biggest Mini-Rag. The deck uses deathrattle minions, Baron Rivendare, and summoning minions to create the biggest Mini-Rag possible while also including cards to heal both you and your opponent. 

Do NOT attack your opponent's minions or face. If Mini-Rag kills them, it will make a bigger mini-Rag, leading to bigger rewards (and more fun!) Wait to play Mistress of Mixtures until your health is below 26 at least; or 22 if you have Baron Rivendareon the board. 

Healing cards to help you and your opponent: Mistress of Mixtures, Zombie Chow, Refreshment Vendor

Cards for card draw: Acolyte of Pain, Loot Hoarder.

Cards great for making Mini-Rag bigger: Grim Patron Nerubian Egg, Devilsaur Egg, Dragon Egg, Haunted Creeper, Cornered Sentry

Cards for absorbing Mini-Rag damage: Tar Lord, Grim Patron, your deathrattle minions if you get Baron Rivendare on the board

Let your cards die. Don't heal them. 

Mulligan: Dragon Egg, Haunted Creeper, Nerubian Egg, Cornered Sentry, Loot Hoarder, even Acolyte of Pain if you have The Coin.


For card draw, you can try Coldlight Oracle or Cult Master or Shield Block

For making Mini-Rag bigger, try Piloted Shredder or Harvest Golem.

For healing, Earthen Ring Farseer, Hot Spring Guardian, or Darkshire Alchemist. Try two Tar Lord if you are taking too much damage from Mini-Rag so you stay alive longer, or two Zombie Chow to help your opponent stay alive longer.

Other cards that will work: Cyclopian Horror if your opponent has a full board.

Baron Rivendare is not necessary for this deck; he just makes it more fun. :)

Deck changes: Removed Cyclopian Horror and Protect the King, added a second Tar Lord. See Deck History for more card ideas.

Most importantly, have fun!