[LEGEND] Midrange Hunter
- Last updated Jun 11, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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- 23 Minions
- 5 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Midrange Hunter
- Crafting Cost: 2740
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/15/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)

- LumenHS
- Registered User
- 3
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Hit legend with this midrange hunter list.
Alleycat, Jeweled Macaw, Golakka Crawler (x2 versus Pirate warrior (with a coin or if you have 1-drop minion)) , Kindly Grandmother, Crackling Razormaw + 1-drop, Scavenging Hyena + Alleycat (without coin), Animal Companion (with a coin vs control w. and quest w.), Alley Cat + Eaglehorn Bow + Golakka Crawler (with a coin vs pirate warrior), Savannah Highmane + Coin (if you have a perfect start versus Control warrior!)
Alleycat, Jeweled Macaw, Crackling Razormaw, Kindly Grandmother, Scavenging Hyena + Alleycat (without coin), Eaglehorn Bow (if you have a good start), Animal Companion ( if you have a good start)
Alleycat, Jeweled Macaw, Kindly Grandmother, Crackling Razormaw, Eaglehorn Bow (if you have a good start + coin)
Alleycat, Jeweled Macaw, Golakka Crawler, Crackling Razormaw, Kindly Grandmother, Scavenging Hyena + Alleycat (without coin), Eaglehorn Bow (if you have a good start + coin)
Alleycat, Jeweled Macaw, Crackling Razormaw, Kindly Grandmother, Scavenging Hyena + Alleycat (without coin), Eaglehorn Bow (if you have a good start)
Alleycat, Jeweled Macaw, Crackling Razormaw, Kindly Grandmother, Animal Companion or Eaglehorn Bow (if you have a good start)
Alleycat, Hungry Crab (x2 versus murloc deck), Jeweled Macaw, Crackling Razormaw, and Kindly Grandmother, Animal Companion ( low priority) or Eaglehorn Bow (high-priority) (if you have a good start)
Alleycat, Jeweled Macaw, Crackling Razormaw, Golakka Crawler, Kindly Grandmother, Scavenging Hyena + Alleycat (without coin)
Alleycat, Jeweled Macaw, Crackling Razormaw, Kindly Grandmother, Animal Companion, Eaglehorn Bow
The correct strategy was written by zac675 in the comments even before writing the guide.
Quote from zac675 :
"This deck's main win condition versus most control decks like Paladin, Taunt warrior, and Control priest is by getting a huge Savaging Hyena on a later turn. Be somewhat conservative with your one drops versus control, especially your weaker cards like hungry crab unless you are certain you can spiral the game out of control. These cards are a great way to boost your Savaging Hyena with Tundra Rhino when you are ready to otk your opponent.
Great deck, Tol'vir with the double hungry crabs make's facing midrange and aggro paladin so much easier".
Currently have a 83% win rate with this deck, but 0 Wins against priest even when I play around Potion of madness, any suggestions for replacements vs priests?
Dragon or Silence?
here are my budget(kinda) changes: -2x Hungry Crabs +2x Unleash / -1x Call of the Wild +1x Leeroy
the reason I made these changes is because crafting hungry crabs is something that I can't affor since I'm FTP, and I replaced call of the wild because it's too damn slow, and when u need it most of the time is for burst purpose, and u get usually that 5 damage huffer when leeroy gives 6 and can be used way earlier, plus at turn 8 leeroy/unleash combo is awesome.
it's working out really great, I'm rank 8 atm never climbed so fast b4 ^^
No Deadly Shot and Unleash the Hounds to get value from Hyena, interesting gonna try it, seems a lot slower
- 1xTundra + 1xUnleash works quiet well for me
but that's just Hunter in a nutshell, the've always had a very weak turn one.
Part of me wishes they'd get a 1-mana 3/1 beast at some point
replacement for kindly?
Trogg Beastrager, Ravasaur Runt.
Yeah and are top deck loose against all other classes....
2 Crabs are key, thinking about replacing one crawler... less pirate warriors
maybe -1x crawler + Hounds or Infested Wolf
This deck's main win condition versus most control decks like Paladin, Taunt warrior, and Control priest is by getting a huge Savaging Hyena on a later turn. Be somewhat conservative with your one drops versus control, especially your weaker cards like hungry crab unless you are certain you can spiral the game out of control. These cards are a great way to boost your Savaging Hyena with Tundra Rhino when you are ready to otk your opponent.
Great deck, Tol'vir with the double hungry crabs make's facing midrange and aggro paladin so much easier.
Look i know you said 10 up votes but i really want a guide to this love the cards get the general aspect help a homie out