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jade n'zoth pirate rogue

  • Last updated Jan 7, 2017 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Jade Lotus Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 11000
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/1/2017 (Gadgetzan)
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I have been trying some variations of jade rogue since gadgetzan's release and I couldn't make it work. First I try a jade n zoth rogue that i made but it was wrecked by agro decks like agro shaman or PW. Same happened when I tryed busted jade gang up rogue. I played other decks and playing dragon warrior gave me the idea, why not to put some early pirates in order to have a decent early and maintain the base of a jade rogue? So I made this list and is working well for me.


I try to mulligan for some of the pirates (except patches), backstab, some 2 drops (undercity huckster or jade swarmer) and with coin si:7 agent (there are a lot of posibilities so is easy to have a good early hand).

Against greedy decks sometimes I keep  jade spirit too in order to start the jade grow quickly. On the other hand a jade shuriken with coin or backstab is good vs agro.

Gameplay / comments

The idea of this list is to control the early game with pirates and other tempo cards (like backstab or si7 agent) and to start growing your jade golems in the midgame.

Against agro you should focus more on controlling the board and taking the less damage posible. Burgled cards are very important vs warrior agro.

Against control try to put some presure at the beginning and to play smartly your combos with brann / nzoth. sometimes is a good idea to not attack with jade swarmer in order to protect your minions against aoes. The hardest control to play against is renolock due to combo and multiple aoes.

Against midrange it's a battle for board control. If the game last long enough you have big jades that overwhelm your oponent.

Against jade decks is a race to have bigger (or at least similar) golems. You can out tempo them because of the strong early game. 

The deck have a lot of combos with brann (12 batelcry minions), enough targets for n'zoth/unearthed raptor, a prety decent draw, good tempo plays that can compensate the lost of tempo due to early small jades, enough jade stuff to make big bodies and the swasburglar/undercity huckster/lotus agent can give you unexpected cards that can save you in some situations (against PW it has saved me a lot of times because they have a lot of taunts/armor spells) .

The worst matchup IMO is dragon warrior because big dragons can overwhelm you, but it isnt an auto concede. 

The main disadvantages of this deck IMO are the lack of healing and deal with a big minion without board (but with jade swarmer/aya you have more stickness).

i didn't put cards like barnes, shadowcaster or gang up because they are too slow and not necesary cards against control decks if you manage to play enough jades.


Maybe to improve against dragon warrior 1 sap or a big game hunter (this could help against big edwin van cleef / 7/7 bodies from chaman, ragnaros) could be a good adition.

Other posible aditions are argus, tomb pillager or mistress of mixtures  (in place of xaril, lotus agent or one azure drake and if you fight against a lot of agro for n'zoth).

Dark iron skulker is  a personal (I like the board presence that it offers) choice but you can play 2 x FoK.


I replaced (5th january) the lotus agent for an argus to give me some form of defense against combos / agro (There are times that i have the board controlled but a charge minion finish me).

I come back to previous lotus agent because argus dont help me a lot of times (I dont draw him very often against agro) 


I hope that you enjoy the deck

Any opinion / idea about the deck is welcome

I'm a casual spanish player but I just want to share this funny deck (I reached rank 3 with it)