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[Nuba]Ultimate Warrior Control Deck Building Guide

  • Last updated Jul 5, 2014 (Live Patch 5506)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 10600
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/2/2014 (Live Patch 5506)
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Holy cow its already 2am here, and I am still studying these classes, and writing about them. I foresee that I will be here until the sun rises, haha!

If you did not read the previous articles and just happened to end up here, this is an article that is part of a series of articles that I made that talks about general deck building for certain archetypes, teaching you how to best build your deck, giving you the deck base as well as the alternative choices you have to build your own variation of said deck.

Warrior control decks are famous for being very consistent late game decks, because of how well their small minions sinergize with late game, and also because their early game removal becomes better the more the time passes. 

Warrior control is also a strong pick to choose to play against miracle rogue, because of its armor stacking ability, amongst the warrior decks, the control one is by far the most used, but also keep in mind it can be the most expensive deck in the entire game! The reason why it is so expensive, is because it relies on a lot of legendary cards in order to obtain a strong and opressive late game. The sinergy from the cards in this deck is just amazing, and should be a good pick for you, in case you dont know what class to play and have a lot of cards to play pretty much anything you would like.

The Deck Base

Now, to the cards that every control warrior deck must have, the funny thing in this case is the fact that it involves a legendary card by itself, which is different from any other deck base I posted previously. The key word for warrior control decks is “interaction”, keep in mind you will read this word a lot here:

Execute: a strong removal. its semi situational, but given the warrior cards and the way the class itself interacts with the board, this will rarely be useless.

Shield Slam: Interacts too well with the warriors hero power, as well as other cards such as armorsmith and shield block. the fact it costs only 1 mana is also huge.

Whirlwind: there are plenty of ways this card can interact with so many of the other warrior cards, this card interacts with almost everything warrior has to offer as well as works as a small board sweeper, its even better when combined with spellpower for stronger sweeper.

Armorsmith: a very strong card, too much interaction with warrior cards such as cruel taskmaster and Whirlwind, one of the best 2-drops in the game and a very defensive minion.

Cruel Taskmaster: can be used on Armorsmiths and Acolyte of Pain for pure value, as well as can be used to damage minions into execute range, Big Game Hunters range, or just to kill smaller minions. A powerhouse for this deck, due to its interaction with other cards!

Fiery War Axe: a strong weapon. kills off small minions as well as finish off the rest, there is no reason not to use this axe.

Acolyte of Pain: A neutral card that also has a big sinergy with all the warrior mechanics, giving you massive card advantage because of it.

Shield Block: not only it gives you armor, meaning you will last longer as well as your shield slam will be stronger, it also gives you another card, cycleing itself. This card is too good for control-like decks and should not be seen as a liability, if you are playing control warrior, you must have 2 of these on it.

Grommash Hellscream: A really strong finisher, no matter what control warrior build you play, you will always want to run this guy. Combined with Cruel taskmaster is 12 damage out of nowhere, as well as it is a very strong card by itself, big body and CHARGE!

Now we notice 17 slots are already taken, which means there are only 13 slots to be filled here with strong cards, for both late, mid or early game. 

Alternative Cards

Inner Rage: a very situational card. can be used as removal here, as well as a way to buff your minions. I would personally only use this card if I was to run Gadgetzan Auctioneer on my warrior deck.

Cleave: Kills off 2 small minions, this is a situational card and should be picked whenever you think that aggro deck is rising in flavor.

Slam: Deals damage to a minion, leaving it vulnerable to execute, as well as cycleing itself. Can also be used to kill small minions if needed, very versatile card as well as interacts with a lot of other warrior cards.

Frothing Berserker: a very strong card, I thought about putting this in the deck base but sometimes people like not not use this guy for some particular reasons. Good players such as kitkatz decided to not use this guy at all anymore. nonetheless, you can always consider to use him, given the fact it interacts very well with other warrior cards.

Wild Pyromancer: another way to synergize with warrior cards, I think this guy is too redundant, but some enjoy playing him for personal reasons.

Big Game Hunter: a meta choice. its less of a burden here in some situations because you have cruel taskmaster, that can push 5 to 6 attack minions into the kill range for this card.

Chillwind YetiSen'jin Shieldmasta and Kor'kron Elite: all of these are 4-drop cards, you usually have to choose between them to fill in a mid game slot that this deck requires in order to obtain stability. Kor’kron elite has been choosen a lot more lately, because of charge, which means it can make better trades because YOU are the one choosing them. But keep in mind to consider the other 2 guys, yeti for its massive body, and the shieldmasta for the taunt.

Arathi Weaponsmith: Another nice 4-drop that can take out the slot for the guys I said, the reason why I put this separated from the other guys is because I find its effect unique, and should be considered to your warrior control deck because of the tempo gain.

Arcanite Reaper: A good weapon, I am not really a fan of this card because you already run some other number of weapons in the deck, which means you can be caugh into situations where you have too many weapons in hand, nonetheless a cheaper option than gorehowl in both dust cost and mana cost.

Azure Drake: Spellpower is really good here, you have a nice arsenal of spells that becomes better with this.

Gadgetzan Auctioneer: A powerful draw engine. Can be used as a 1-of in the deck instead of a azure drake or any other 5 drop you decided to use for diversity.

Faceless Manipulator: Your deck has so many late game threats this card becomes a very strong one here.

Brawl: A way to deal with basically anything. The reason why I did not put this on the deck base is because you can opt not to use this card, as well as you can opt to use 2 of those. Depends a lot your meta and the need you feel for this particular card.

Gorehowl: an extremely strong weapon, shines against midrange decks because it can keep on removing their threats, this is almost a must-have 1-of in any control warrior decks, but some players opt not to use it due to personal flavor.

Baron Geddon: Too much sinergy with warrior cards as well as it clears the board from remaining early game cards, making it so you are now definently into the late game atmosphere. A really strong card and a card seen in almost all of the warrior decks these days.

Alexstrasza: Usually warrior is all about holding the oponent back, until you drop your alexstrasza and finish him off with Grommash + Cruel Taskmater and a hit from your already used Gorehowl. This card is strong by itself and sinergizes very well with gorehowl, do not overlook this dragon, as it is also in almost all of the warrior builds these days.

Other mid-game and late game legendary cards: They come to taste, the reason why I cited some legends before this is that theyre more used than the others, nonetheless a lot of legendary cards can be considered here, from Cairne Bloodhoof, to Sylvanas Windrunner, to YseraRagnaros the Firelord and even Deathwing, use your imagination to choose which cards are going to be the ones to make your oponent panic as they see the board being controled by the massive power of your legendary cards.

Other neutral cards techs: Techs are always welcome, in the end theyre the difference between win and lose, try to make it up for yourself which cards you should be putting in here, because they can give you the win but can also give you the loss.

My list

My list in an alternative version of the list Tidesoftime used in order to obtain rank 2 legendary rank in season 3. I tweaked some cards so I could get better value out of the situations, this is the list I am currently using to play in the early ranked season 4, and if requested I can start an article about it.



Warrior Control is not dead, far from it, altho the meta became evil with it, it is still a deck strong enough to fight back, this is one of the safest decks to bet on, given the fact it will always be there regardless of meta, since it has decent matchup against pretty much anything.

I hope you enjoyed reading my article as much as I enjoyed writing it. its been 3 hours since I started this journey and I am very tired, I can see the sun is already up and I am going to have some sleep now, see you guys around in the legendary ladder!

Remember to follow me on twitch, twitter and to subscribe to my youtube channel!


See you all on my next article! :D