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Froggy's Basic Only Ramp Token Druid

  • Last updated Jul 27, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 0
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/27/2014 (Live Patch 5506)
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This deck is designed to play like token druids, while only utilizing basic cards. It won't win any major games, but should give you an edge up till rank 15-ish, depending on your skill level and knowledge.

Once again, do keep in mind that this is a basic deck. Improvements are listed below if you wanna further improve this deck, or simply look up other token druid decks for better results.

Deck Breakdown:

For the extra "token" minion, and maintaining that board advantage.


For that extra buff/burst damage. Can also be used to regain board control/effective trades if necessary.


Synergize well with massive boards.


For that extra draw power, making the deck more consistent.


Extra mana = extra tokens or buffs.


For board control.


Always mulligan for Innervate, Wild Growth, Murloc Tidehunter and Razorfen Hunter. The first two cards makes sure you're well ahead of your opponent (You could potentially turn 2 Stormwind Champion with 2 Innervate and The Coin... not saying you should). The latter two cards means you will have early board control.

Play around class popular AoEs, such as Mage's Flamestrike and Druid's Swipe. Divide up your buffs if needed, or simply don't buff unless you're sure it won't be wasted or it's lethal.

Avoid going over turn 7. The longer the game last, the lower chance you'll end the game with victory. Turn 7 should allow you to Stormwind Champion and end the game there. With turn 8 onwards you're potentially allowing your opponent to summon those large finishers or deal high damage spells/combos.

Always try to aim for face, unless it results in a good trade (prioritize using Claw, Swipe or Shapeshift for trades) . Your "tokens" are instant value the moment they get to attack once, or used as meat shield. As long as you don't get board wiped with AoEs, you should be able to maintain control. There's also a possibility that your opponent will ignore your tokens and rush you down, which allows you to Savage Roar for the win.

Basic Improvements for Expert Cards:

Novice Engineer -> Loot Hoarder (40 Dust Each)
Shattered Sun Cleric -> Power of the Wild (40 Dust Each)
Gnomish Inventor -> Wrath (40 Dust Each)
Wild Growth -> Knife Juggler (100 Dust Each)
Frostwolf Warlord -> Violet Teacher (100 Dust Each)

(Total: 640 Dusts)

Improvement Breakdown:

Loot Hoarder is just simply better than Novice Engineer. Yes you do get a card when it dies instead of when it pops out, but if your opponent is spending a silence or Earth Shock to negate your draw, then its instant value, as your bigger creatures are less likely to be silenced then.

Power of the Wild simply combos better with the board. Your whole team gets +1/+1 instead of Shattered Sun Cleric's "only one dude gets the benefit". You can also make a 3/2 out of desperation if you really need to (but please try not to).

Wrath means more removal for the deck. Playing it smartly can also result in removal + card draw.

Wild Growth doesn't really synergize that well with the deck itself, it's just there for the sake of "basic only" really. Knife Juggler on the other hand, shoots out a dagger for every minion (including tokens) you summon, which helps clearing the board or set it up for Wrath value. It's also a semi-taunt, because if your opponent decides to ignore it, it's 99% gg for him/her.

Violet Teacher is like the major improvement to this deck, as even competitive token druid decks run this little bad girl. The combo you can come up with this card is just insanely mind explosion + potential burst damage if not dealt with, such as Innervate -> Power of the Wild on turn 4. Frostwolf Warlord on the other hand, is weak against silences and could potentially end up being just a 4/4.


Well, here's the deck. If you want to further improve the deck, I suggest looking up some of the most popular token druid decks out there. I tried to keep it relatively cheap and in-budget, so you guys can try getting the feel of it, before deciding whether or not token druid is your style of gameplay =)

Anyways, play smart, and have fun~