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[TOP 500 Legend EU] 78% WR Hybrid Shaman

  • Last updated Jan 6, 2017 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Aggro Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 5060
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/14/2016 (Karazhan)
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EDIT - Currently in the TOP 200!!! Wish me luck!!!

Hi guys, Indra2513 here. My HS career started exactly 14 months ago, when a friend introduced me to the game: it was love at first sight, and since I'm a poor guy I always loved aggro decks. I'm now a multiple times Legend player, and I want you to know my secret. No, it's not freakin' Ice Block, I seriously hate that card. My secret is... well, it's no longer a secret since my deck is now on Hearthpwn, and I will gladly help you in your journey to Legend!!!

Be wary: this isn't your regular SMOrc Shaman - going face every time will net you some bad losses. Your playstyle will be that of a Tempo deck, but with insane burst potential due to spells and Doomhammer.

The list I achieved Legend with (went 35/10 from Rank 5 with a 77,7% winrate) is a hybrid one, as most Aggro Shamans don't run cards like Bloodmage Thalnos and Azure Drake, and Midrange variants don't play Lightning Bolt or Flamewreathed Faceless. What makes this deck really different is the stronger early game, which you'll almost always be dominating: from there on, your goal is to simply snowball the early advantage into a fast win.

Here is a short guide on how to handle the various matchups, and an in-depth analysis about my card choices.

LEGEND PROOF: http://imgur.com/a/7bwAy



1) The Core (2x Tunnel Trogg/2x Totem Golem/2x Flametongue Totem/2x Rockbiter Weapon/2x Thing from Below/2x Feral Spirit/2x Tuskarr Totemic/2xFlamewreathed Faceless)

All Shaman decks should run these cards, as they are pretty obvious choices.

2) 3x Weapons (2x Spirit Claws/1x Doomhammer)

Why only 1 Doomhammer? Because Spirit Claws is a 9 damage weapon for 1 mana!!! You also don't want too many weapons as you may need burst against some matchups, and if you already have one equipped you are guaranteed a dead draw. Spirit Claws lets you dominate the early game, trading your opponent's Totem Golem while keeping alive yours. Assuming you're never rolling a Wrath of Air Totem in your entire life, this still acts as a delayed Lightning Bolt that can be buffed on demand for additional reach. Don't rely on your hero power, though: a 25% chance to boost this weapon's attack is too low to be considered - that's why the deck features some spell damage cards.

3) 3x Spell Damage cards (2x Azure Drake/1x Bloodmage Thalnos)

These minions provide additional card draw (which may come in handy when you wanna apply more pressure with Claws, or you need to topdeck lethal), as well as a way to give your spells more reach.

4) 2x Lightning Bolt/1x Lava Burst

Lightning Bolt is a really flexible spell. Strong removal with almost no drawback, it can be used to control the early game, or as a finisher. This card's big brother is played as a 1-of, as you don't want clunky hands in a fast-paced metagame.

5) 2x Abusive Sergeant

Sometimes you'll have no turn 2 play, and you'll be forced to play the Totem Lotto: Abusive Sergeant lets you trade that totem and get your tempo back. You might also coin Totem Golem turn 1 if your opponent is likely to play his own copy the following turn, as you'll end up with a 2/1 and a 3/1 ready to trade into his stronger minions.

6) 2x Maelstrom Portal

This card single-handedly wins the Zoo and Shaman matchups. It's basically a 2 mana mini-Flamestrike that wipes your opponent's board while developing yours. Extremely effective as a tempo play in the mirror match.

7) 1x Sir Finley Mrrgglton

You don't want to keep the worst hero power in the game just to boost your Spirit Claws and make your Thing from Below cost less. You have 2x Totem Golem/2x Flametongue Totem/2x Tuskarr Totemic in the deck, and this card won't always be your turn 1 play. Discovering Hunter's/Warlock's/Druid's Hero Power makes this deck nearly unstoppable, so 1 copy of Finley is mandatory.



1) Discardlock (Really Favorable) - KEEP: Tunnel Trogg/Rockbiter Weapon/Lightning Bolt/Totem Golem/Spirit Claws/Maelstrom Portal

This deck simply destroys Zoo. Your minions have higher stats, and Spirit Claws gives you a nifty way to achieve board control. Just in case your opponent has a broken start, you still run 2x Maelstrom Portal to make sure you can't lose.

2) Renolock (Favorable) - KEEP: Tunnel Trogg/Totem Golem/Flametongue Totem/Tuskarr Totemic

Another easy matchup. Renolock can be tricky, though, especially if your opponent has a good curve and Reno in hand. Keep the board clear to deny Shadowflame value, and never overextend as the deck runs plenty of healing/AOE.

3) Tempo Warrior (Slightly Unfavorable) - KEEP: Totem Golem/Rockbiter Weapon/Tuskarr Totemic/Feral Spirit

A very draw dependant matchup, that sees Warrior in a slightly stronger position (because of his charge minions and Fiery War Axe). You never want to keep Tunnel Trogg as it dies to Axe, Alexstrasza's Champion and even Blood To Ichor. Flamewreathed Faceless is super effective and can quickly end the game by itself if not answered.

4) Control Warrior (Really Unfavorable) - KEEP: Totem Golem/Tuskarr Totemic/Flametongue Totem

One of the worst decks you can face is Control Warrior. There isn't much to say: play as aggressively as you can, hoping your opponent can't answer your threats and/or stack too much armor.

5) Yogg/Spell Druid (Favorable) - KEEP: Tunnel Trogg/Totem Golem/Flametongue Totem/Tuskarr Totemic/Spirit Claws

Another favorable matchup. Druid has a hard time clearing high health minions, so flood the board as much as you can and always trade those Azure Drakes to avoid a massive Swipe. You can keep Spirit Claws as well, as it is effective against turn 1 Living Roots or Violet Teacher tokens. Remember you play 2x Maelstrom Portal in case things go wrong.

6) Control Paladin/Freeze Mage/Rogue (Favorable) - KEEP: Tunnel Trogg/Totem Golem/Tuskarr Totemic/Feral Spirit

I decided to group these decks together as the strategy is to simply rush down your opponent. Easy matchups as long as you don't overcommit.

7) Tempo Mage (Almost Unwinnable) - KEEP: Tunnel Trogg/Totem Golem/Lightning Bolt/Tuskarr Totemic/Rockbiter Weapon

Tempo Mage packs cheap removal as well as Flamestrike and Arcane Explosion: this is an uphill battle since turn 1, as their minions can trade into yours and they have lots of spells to control the board. Play your cards and hope you can close the game before they do the same. By far this deck's worst matchup.

8) Midrange Hunter (50/50) - KEEP: Rockbiter Weapon/Abusive Sergeant/Totem Golem/Lightning Bolt/Tuskarr Totemic/Feral Spirit

This matchup entirely depends on your ability to clear your opponent's board by turn 4. Never keep Tunnel Trogg because it dies to all Hunter's 2 drops: keep Abusive Sergeant instead, as it works as 1-mana removal. Try to prevent Houndmaster swings, but don't trade too much as Call of the Wild is an actual card: you need a way to win before your opponent can play it.

9) Dragon Priest (Really Unfavorable) - KEEP: Tunnel Trogg/Rockbiter Weapon/Flametongue Totem/Totem Golem/Tuskarr Totemic

Another hard matchup, but luckily this deck isn't so common. Here is where Doomhammer really shines; if your opponent is low on health before he can land too many taunts, you should win with your Lightning Bolts and/or Doomhammer burst.

10) Midrange Shaman (Slightly Favorable) - KEEP: Tunnel Trogg/Rockbiter Weapon/Totem Golem/Lightning Bolt/Spirit Claws/Tuskarr Totemic

Most Shaman decks you'll be facing are Midrange variants. You almost play the same minions, but your deck is slightly faster and also has reach, so you can capitalize on bad mulligans and off-curve turns to strenghten your pressure.