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Legend With Budget Token Druid?!?!?!

  • Last updated May 23, 2014 (Live Patch 5435)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 2240
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/23/2014 (Live Patch 5435)
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Hello its DoctorBatman here with a deck i played heavily on my road to legend for the 3rd time! This write up will be some what brief as most of the cards in the deck speak for themselves in terms of why they are played. What I will be focusing more on is a few of the odd cards to see in this kind of deck and then go to explaining how to play this deck to its fullest capability giving all you budget players a shot at legend before the seasons done!

Card Choices:

The first card I'll go over is Amani Berserker, a lot of people have either been fascinated or disgusted by this one of tech that doesn't seem to have synergy with this deck. The truth behind this card is that I just honestly like it more than any of the other 2. Play whatever 2 drop you prefer here just know that amani + Wrath is an awesome combo!

Azure Drake this card tend to not belong in this sort of semi rush deck but without it the deck would lack any sort of mid game power and i wasn't wanting to explore other avenues for 5 drops as they all tend to suck for druid. I build decks with a general rule of thumb being that you should have at least 2 pairs of cards in any given mana slot leading up to the most expensive single card in your deck. This isn't a rule to go by 100% but it gives a good basis to start working with, hence why drake is there.

The rest of the deck is rather straight forward and honestly I think it lacks much innovation (despite being told otherwise). Feel free to mess with any of the cards listed here; Claw Argent Squire Amani Berserker Chillwind Yeti Azure Drake. I would recommend leaving the rest of the deck rather unchanged. (yeti should be the first card you mess with if you do)


To properly play this deck at a high level you need to thinking multiple turns ahead with a generally risky thought process along with it. The way i won most of my games was to trade only when necessary and when i did have to it would be attempting to leave as many minions on the board as possible. Your win condition is surprise! You want to poke away slowly while attempting to build a board that can take full advantage of Savage Roar and Power of the Wild, after all these cards benefit more and more with a larger amount of minions. (Disclaimer: DO NOT play this strategy for any sort of aggro deck. Pretend your playing a control druid and just deal with the board as much as possible while look for an opening to finish)

To start the match lets go with your mulligan strategy first. You want to be mulling into as low of a curve as possible passing on anything with mana cost over 3 (unless Innervate is already in hand in which case you keep 4's and 5's at your own discretion). You want to fill your hand with creatures and maybe a removal or 2 so you can protect your developing board and ensure yourself time to draw into your combo/finishing cards. As long as you can develop a 3 minion board till you can start comboing PotW the game is likely yours by turn 9 if not before. 

To recap, the general plan is to develop your board to a point where Power of the Wild and Savage Roar  will win you a game practically out of the blue. The less your opponent thinks you have, the better. Just play extremely aggressive throughout the early to mid game and curve into a win.

Final Thoughts: I know my guide for this deck is rather short but I'm more so here to nudge you in the right direction on playing the deck rather then to teach you how to play hearthstone entirely. To many guides are written as if the people reading can hardly think themselves so I want to take a different approach and give you guys the benefit of the doubt that you know at least a thing or 2 about this game already. If your one of those people who needs more clarification I have 2 options for you; first you can type a comment with any question and I will get to it as soon as i can with a fully detailed response, secondly you can watch my friends stream who has been playing this deck on his road to legend to great effect, you may even catch me lurking in the chat! I will link the twitch channel below, go ahead and take a look and I'm sure you'll enjoy your time with us. (make sure you tell him Doctor Batman sent you!)

http://www.twitch.tv/lpfan4lif01 Head on over and enjoy :)