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Nozdormu RenoLock

  • Last updated Apr 13, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 8080
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/14/2016 (Explorers)
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Hi folks,

I have been thoroughly enjoying this deck lately, and having mild success with it. And why wouldn't I? For the most part, it's a fairly standard RenoLock deck.

However, it has one twist - and a pretty sizable one at that. Out of the deck go Feugen and Stalagg, and Mind Control Tech (who had a place in my list for anti-aggro matchups).

Into the deck comes... Nozdormu? And two Curse of Rafaam?

Anyone that's been paying attention to HS clips recently has seen that the Curse of Rafaam animations make it so that the opponent gets far less than 15 seconds for their turn, meaning that Nozdormu will sometimes give you extra turns. It's very powerful. Out of my 15 game sample I have won 5 games off the back of this, and only once did my opponent actually get to play anything (on the first game, in which I attacked before playing Noz, so I believe that may have given them the leeway).

Having now been in the pilot seat against this combo, I can tell you that I was unable to do anything. I tried spamming a spell that would have saved me - Dark Bargain - but while it appeared to cast, is was returned to my hand with the text "Too late! Your turn is over". The animations can take that long.

If you get one free turn out of the combo, it's arguably worth it. If you get more than one, it's definitely worth it and should win you the game. As such, I'm happy to have included it in the deck.

As for the matter of clever use of game mechanics vs using an exploit - this has always been up to Blizzard to determine what is an exploit, and what isn't. While I believe that taking extra turns isn't something Blizzard wants in Hearthstone due to skipping a player's turn being uninteractive, I also believe that if they determine this combo is something they don't want in their game, they'll remove it in a patch or hotfix.

Anyway, enjoy! As someone that loved infinite combos in MTG - especially infinite turn combos - I've fallen in love with this deck.

Note: you have a duplicate card in this deck (Curse of Rafaam). Be fully aware of this. As it's a Reno deck, only cast Reno if you have drawn at least on Curse. I haven't played a game yet where I've been burnt by having 2 copies of Curse in the deck, but it is a possibility.