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[S22 Top 100 Legend] Demon Zoo

  • Last updated Jan 21, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 4580
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/21/2016 (Explorers)
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Hi all! This season I manged to get to Legend using the following combination of decks:

  1. Rank 16-5: 90% Midrange Patron, 10% Control Priest (Zetalot)
  2. Rank 5-3: 30% Midrange Patron, 40% Control Priest (Zetalot), 30% Renolock (own version, no Feugen nor combo...)
  3. Rank 3-LEG: 95% Tempo Mage, 5% Midrange Patron

Once there, I experimented a bit falling from Rank ~1000 to ~3200 only to figure out that the best contender for this meta was the deck that I'm sharing with you. It brought me from ~3200 to ~370 in a single winning streak, after that I struggled a bit until I reached top 100.


I won't bother to write a full guide of the deck as the core is a well-known midrange deck that has been around since Voidcaller appeared (in some or other way). For reference you may peek Sigma's full guide for the list.

Nevertheless, There is a card that deserve some mention: Argent Squire

This card fits the whole game plan of the deck very efficiently. It provides early stickiness on the board and enables efficient trades (even more in conjunction with cards such as Abusive Sergeant). Most people tend to play Flame Imp in this slot (I used to do it as well), and, even though Flame Imp is an amazing card it may struggle a lot when it comes to board control (it dies very easily to most one drops in the game), in my opinion it fits better a more aggressive strategy (like the strategy of those Aggro Zoo incarnations that are played nowadays in the ladder, similar to Kolento's list). On top of this, Argent Squire is amazing in a meta full of aggro decks it is premium against Paladin Secrets and Kolento's zoo, it also puts a lot of pressure against most Druid incarnations (specially with the help of Abusive Sergeant since they can get rid of those nasty Darnassus Aspirant very easily) and is not easy to remove for Mages and Rogues.


  • I suggest you to play it as it is. However, if you start facing many Priest and/or Face hunters you may want to swap Bane of Doom for Loatheb.
  • Do not try to find a replacement for Mal'Ganis, that is really tough, but you may investigate how Lord Jaraxxus or Sea Giant work in his place.

On 50 upvotes I'll write about the matchups and mulligans.

Hope you enjoyed the deck. Nice Laddering!

You can check my other legend decks here: