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[LEGEND S19] Fel Hybrid

  • Last updated Jan 21, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 1800
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/19/2015 (TGT Launch)
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OK Guys, everything with Fel Reaver is more fun, and when comes to aggro is also easier :-)

This deck brought me to legend this season (S19).

Proof (sorry for low quality is a pic with the phone):

The fundamentals are quite straightforward and I don't think it requires to much explanation or guide (you can simply mix guides from former hybrid hunters + Fel reaver mech Mage/Aggro Druid). However, if you like(i.e. enough upvotes) the deck and feel that you want a guide, do not hesitate asking for it and I'll write a fast and easy guide.

If only, I would like to talk about the most "weird" choice of the deck: Fel Reaver.

Let's talk about very basic probability theory.

Conditional probability is defined as the probability of an event to happen given that we already know that some other event happened in advance. More Formally, if A and B are events we define the probability of A given B such as


Where P(A^B) is the probability of "A intersection B", i.e. probability of happening both events A and B.

How is this related with this deck or Fel Reaver?

Well, it is indeed related.

Hunter decks are by nature aggressive, even those that are more midrange oriented are quite biased towards aggression because of Hunter's hero power. For this reason, Hunter's games tend to be finished, for good or for bad, within the 10-15 first cards of your deck, this is specially true for the most aggressive incarnations. This fact implies that in most games you will have 20 to 15 cards that you'll never draw, which is equivalent to not having them in the deck at all!

Fel Reaver's ability makes you "mill" cards which at first glance may seem a problem. However, if you think  twice, given what I explained in the paragraph above, you'll realise that it can be a blessing indeed. If you keep track of those 15-18 cards milled (worst case scenario) means that you know what you have left in your deck, therefore, you transform the probability of drawing a given card into a conditional probability which makes the computation more sound as you are better informed.

You may wonder, "yes, but is too bad I see my 2 Kill Command milled away!", this is indeed bad but you have to assume this is the same scenario as if they where in this last 20-15 cards you'll never draw, with the difference that now you KNOW that they will never be drawn during this game.

All I wanted to say with this explanation is that information is power and the drawback of Fel Reaver can be used to your own benefit in the appropriate deck.

Enjoy laddering!

You can check my other legend decks here: