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[S22] 67% WR Hybrid Freeze Hunter (w/ Detailed ...

  • Last updated Jan 10, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 2640
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/2/2016 (Explorers)
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  1. I'm not saying I created this deck from scratch or claiming it as my own personal deck because there are VERY SIMILAR decks to this one.
  2. The reason I have a 67% win-rate is because on behalf of 45 matches played with this deck I have won 30 games and lost 15. Therefore, this does not guarantee that you will have the same win rate as I, due to different skill and encounters. I am rank 8, 3 stars, while using this deck at the moment.


  1. Greetings to all, how are you all doing today? It is in my best desires that you all are doing great, and if not, let's try to turn that around!                            
  2. When playing this deck, It is essential that you realize there is no perfect starting hand to mulligan for, you must adapt your play style due to the cards you have in hand and the cards you have yet to draw.
  3. Although there is no perfect starting hand to mulligan for, there is a guide into what kind of starting hand you should look for, but that varies depending on the class you are facing.
  4. With or Without Coin: What you would like to do is mulligan for an on curve starting hand, an example of this would be a, Leper Gnome, Mad Scientist, Animal Companion, Piloted Shredder. The effect of having the coin is to generally try to use it most effectively in putting the game in your favor. Examples of this are dropping a Savannah Highmane turn 5, Loatheb turn 4, Knife Juggler into Unleash the Hounds turn 4 as well. 
  5. Removal: This is generally where most players misplay due to not knowing when to trade and when to go face. I am not perfect and reviewing my videos definitely prove that I do make those mistakes as well. When looking towards removing a card, you have a lot of ammunition in your weapons, minions, and spells, and do not be afraid to use either Quick Shot without it being the last card in your hand, if you are removing a threat that is going to put you in danger in the long run or Kill Command. Understanding removal comes from experience playing the deck and knowing the potential combinations a class is able to do with a certain minion, or knowing the potential risks you run into when trading your minions and doing your best to play around these potential risks. Some examples of this are generally dropping your minions by trading to a health range in which they are susceptible to being killed by the opponents AOE. Another example would be by not trading minions that could have huge impacts on the game and are key cards for the opponent, for example, Darnassus Aspirant, Flamewaker, Imp Gang Boss. As previously stated although, removal will come from experience playing the deck, and knowing your options and potential risks and choosing the most positive outcome of the both.

Class Guides:

  •    Warrior
    • Versus a warrior you generally want to mulligan for any of the following, Leper Gnome, Ironbeak Owl, Mad Scientist, Haunted Creeper, Knife Juggler (Be very careful although as you do not want to play it when a Warrior has an Armorsmith out or an Acolyte of Pain), Animal Companion, Eaglehorn Bow. Facing a warrior you are generally just rushing their face past their armor and trading only into minions that are going to have a huge impact on the game, which are Armorsmith and Acolyte of Pain ONLY IF you could one shot it. If it goes into late game, have no fear as we have enough late game power to beat and due to not wanting to lose early they usually tend to use removal on the small minions and are empty handed when facing our bigger minions. Another key factor is to not allow the warrior to have any armor if it's possible, because shield slam is an extra removal that you would rather want to deny. Feel free to check out the YouTube video of I facing a warrior.



  • Rogue
  • Versus a rogue you generally want to draw into your early game minions that are going to take up a lot of the rogues resources and require to sacrifice a lot of health to remove. You generally want to mulligan for Leper Gnome (Having two is great), Haunted Creeper, Mad Scientist (Generally to freeze any early game minions) Knife Juggler, Eaglehorn Bow, Piloted Shredder. Mad Scientist is important or even having a freeze trap in hand is important because you can send important minions such asSI: 7 Agent, Violet Teacher. Unleash the Hounds is also an important card you could mulligan for due to the fact that it is the perfect counter to Violet Teacher. Unfortunately, the one match up that I had versus a rogue, I did not record therefore I have no footage to present but as soon as I do, I will upload it, sorry for the inconvenience.


  • Shaman

  • Paladin
    • A paladin is a match up that I have heard many have had difficulty, hopefully this little guide will help the match up increase into the positive because my personal record versus a Paladin out of 10 games would be about 7 wins. Versus a Paladin you want to mulligan for early minions that are going to be stronger and stickier than his minions. You should look for Leper Gnome, Haunted Creeper, Mad Scientist, Freeze Trap, Explosive Trap, Knife Juggler, Quick Shot, Animal Companion, Kill Command, Eaglehorn Bow, Piloted Shredder. Never keep more than two traps, and if they summon out a Secretkeeper be wise in dropping the freeze trap, and do it if it is the only minion on board. (Never keep more than one trap in starting hand). I have two videos beating Secret Paladin that might help some of you out, feel free to check them out.


  • Hunter
  • Although I have not faced too many hunters especially face hunter, I have heard feedback from several players that the match up versus a face hunter is actually also pretty positive in our favor. Key cards to mulligan versus another hunter especially it being face is your really early minions and weapons and spells. Examples are Leper Gnome, Haunted Creeper, Ironbeak Owl, Mad Scientist, Knife Juggler, Quick Shot, Eaglehorn Bow, Animal Companion, Kill Command, Unleash the Hounds. The reason you are pushing for early minions and spells and weapons is because it is usually a race for damage to the face, a key component into beating the class is to eliminate THEIR BEASTS to disable them from having a 5 damage Kill Command, and using Unleash The Hounds to clear the board UNLESS you have lethal with it. I unfortunately also do not have a match up against face hunter, will work on getting the footage that is missing over the new couple of days, and sorry for the inconvenience once again.

  • Druid
    • Our druid match up is actually pretty positive as well with the occasional losses to combos because they had innervate in hand. Versus a Druid you want to Mulligan for stick minions as well, examples are Leper Gnome, Abusive Sergeant (to combo to kill a Darnassus AspirantMad Scientist, Haunted Creeper, Knife Juggler, Animal Companion,Eaglehorn Bow, Piloted Shredder, priority goes from low mana cast minions to the high ones, a Kill Command is not necessarily bad either because it could help you eliminate a Taunt. The strategy to beating a druid is making favorable trades, playing around swipe, and going face. Feel free to check out the video to see a pretty easy win versus a druid, especially when everything goes right.


  • Warlock
  • Facing a Warlock is not necessarily our best match up especially due to Reno Jackson. When facing a warlock it is important to draw into your early minions as soon as possible and push for the greatest amount of damage possible as fast as you can before they could draw into Reno. Examples of these minions are mainly Leper Gnome, Mad Scientist, Haunted Creeper, Knife Juggler, Kill Command, Eaglehorn Bow, Animal Companion. You also want to play as much as you can around Hellfire and Demonwrath and allow the deathrattle minions to actually stay on board by not trading them, therfore when the warlock uses AoE to remove minions you still have a reasonable board. Also, you could actually still survive a Reno due to the fact you have enormous minions that are extremely hard to get rid off especially in the warlock has used it's removal on your early minions. Facing zoo, you generally are looking for the same starting hand, but including Unleash the Hounds but it's normally the same strategy. A warlock is more difficult class to face, but is when that could be beaten with the right mulligan. Feel free to check out this YouTube class video which has just been freshly made!


  • Mage
    • Tempo Mage or Freeze Mage are generally not bad match ups for us as we have to mulligan for early minions. The hand you're looking for is a hand that is able to be viable in killing both of them as fast as possible without taking too much damage, you are looking to mulligan for Leper Gnome, Ironbeak Owl, Mad Scientist, Haunted Creeper, Knife Juggler,Quick Shot, Explosive Trap (For Tempo specifically), Unleash the Hounds (For Tempo specifically), Eaglehorn Bow, Kill Command, and last but not least Loatheb (Could be so strong versus either in denying spells to clear your board or spells to push for lethal in general). The strategy versus freeze is to rush face and let them trade, and pop the Ice Barrier because the longer you wait to pop it, the more removal they could have to prevent you, so just go all out on face. Versus Tempo, you want to clear/remove minions that are going to put you in jeopardy of losing the game such as Flamewaker Mad Scientist and use Explosive Trap to kill early minions that they have with low health and is a great combo for Unleash. I also have a video, this time facing a Tempo Mage, you are all free to check it out, I did have a misplay which I learned from and will rest assure not make again.


  • Priest
  • There is a reason why I saved this class for last, and the reason is that this is the most difficult class to beat out of the nine. Due to all of it's removal and the ability to eliminate our steady shot just by using it's hero power. With that being said, there is still a possibility of beating it, but it's most likely going to be a 30% chance. Versus a priest you want to mulligan for very sticky minions, you want to also be able to eliminate a Northshire Cleric as well as A Deathlord if it's summoned out and therefore we have to push for early removal and early spells/weapons that help us, because killing a Deathlord actually puts the game in our favor as it is able to summon out our huge creatures. You want to mulligan heavily for Leper Gnome, Haunted Creeper, Ironbeak Owl, Mad Scientist, Animal Companion, Kill Command, Eaglehorn Bow, Piloted Shredder, Sen'jin Shieldmast a, and last but not least a Quick Shot (To eliminate the Northshire Cleric most effictively) The strategy for this is to try eliminate key creatures that take us out of the match up by allowing to draw cards, such as a Northshire, to be able to kill the Deathlord before it is buffed up, and last but not least to output as much damage as you can forcing him to heal not have the perfect tempo, this is a hard match up, but it is not unbeatable. I'm actually 2-0 against priest, don't have any of the videos recorded although, but I will work on that as soon as possible, once again sorry for the inconvenience.


  • Card Replacements: 
  • There are a lot of cards that you could replace and tinker around with, if you have any real questions on replacing any of the cards just drop a comment, and me or the experienced players from the chat will do our best to help you out on the best replacement for a card or if there is any card you could remove to make the deck better.
  • Final:
  • Finally, I just want to thank you all that decided to click on this Hunter Deck and give it a shot and took the time out to read this, it is much appreciated, and feel free to leave any feedback on the comment section or any of my videos, I will get back to you as soon as possible. Last but not least, stay positive and keep grinding, have a great day and night, and i'll catch you all later, peace out!