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[LoE] Reno-Brann Dragon Handlock

  • Last updated Nov 13, 2015 (Explorers)
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  • 25 Minions
  • 5 Spells
  • Deck Type: Theorycraft
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 7560
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/12/2015 (Explorers)
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Up to now you must have been wondering... In what deck could I use that full heal of Reno Jackson? and that double Battlecry thing from Brann it looks awesome aswell.
What if I told you you can even play both of them in the same deck? 

Warlock has many many ways to be played, and for me it was the only deck that could be made while not using more than one copy of any card. What you have here might seem quite messy to you, and I would'nt disagree but it regroups the best cards from some of the best warlock decks: Handlock, Malylock and Demonlock.

The way to play this deck is pretty much the same way you would play a handlock deck, relying a bit less on the giants and having some more options in the early game.

I don't know about you, but I am sure as hell going to try this! :) 

Good Luck, Have Fun.

Change Log:

-1 Malygos: If we don't have damage in hand, this could be just a big 4/12 vanilla
-1 Blackwing Technician:
We actually have a fair amount of plays on turn 3, so I decided that we could take this one out.

+1 Twilight Guardian : More dragon Synergy and a Taunt
+1 Ysera : More versatile than Malygos, rather than having a vanilla 4/12 better have a 4/12 that gives you a card each turn.

note: You could also replace Malygos with Alexstraza


I decided to cut the demon synergy from the deck as I think there were not enough demons for it to be optimal. Another thing I did, after reading some articles on Reno, I decided I could take the risk of using 2 pairs of the same card in the deck, in this second change I did the following

-1 Voidcaller :  Not enough demons for this
-1 Mal'Ganis : I feel like we need to play 2 voidcallers to play this
-1 Siphon Soul : needed more space for early game stuff

+1 Blackwing Technician : I'm probably being to optimistic but this and the next card are mainly for Brann Combos
+1 Twilight Drake
+1 Piloted Shredder: Solid 4 drop, but thinking of replacing this with a 2 drop
+1 Jeweled Scarab: Although this has s**t-level stats, I am willing to try the card as it lets you curve into turn 3 and is in my opinion a better novice engineer


-1 Twisting Nether: The deck is pretty late game heavy so I decided to cut this in order to add more early game
-1 Doomguard : This is not the kind of synergy we want with Brann ^^"

+1 Big Game Hunter:  Staple in Handlock
+1 Earthern Ring Farseer : Early game and with a slight bonus from Brann

Synergies with Brann Bronzebeard:

In case you were wondering what cards in this deck actually benefit from Brann here they are:

Dark Peddler : Discover two 1-cost cards
Blackwing Technician : If you're holding a Dragon gain +2/+2
Twilight Drake : Gain +2 Health for each card in your hand
Earthern Ring Farseer : Restore 6 Health
Defender of Argus : Give adjacent minions +2/+2 and Taunt
Twilight Guardian : If you're holding a dragon gain +2 Attack and Taunt
Antique Healbot : Restore 16 Health to your Hero
Azure Drake : Draw 2 cards
Blackwing Corruptor: If you're holding a Dragon, deal 6 damage
Dr. Boom: Summon four 1/1 Boom Bots. WARNING bots may explode.
Jeweled Scarab: Discover two 3-cost cards

We have a total of 11 cards that synergize with Brann, a little more than a third of the deck.