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[LEGEND] Inner Fire + GUIDE [Updated]

  • Last updated Oct 26, 2015 (Warsong Nerf)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 3520
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/29/2015 (TGT Launch)
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Hello everyone! I would like to share a Priest deck which I've made a legend with. I had few experiments before with priest decks with auctioneer, emeror, etc. I really liked the inner fire concept and wanted to make a non-gimmick deck which actually wins. And that was not so easy. I decided to run only one inner fire just because it's not only one win condition. This is mainly anti-aggro deck. I was climbing from Rank 4 with no real problems, on average I won two games and lost one (66% w/r). I would recommend this deck for new players, it's easy (not hard) to play and overall not a dust-heavy.

Legend proof:

Legend proof

Legend proof

Since it's a combo deck, I will list here combos that this deck does.

Divine Spirit - Well, this card rocks even more than inner fire. Buffed Deathlord is vs certain decks T3-4 auto win. Since this deck has ton of heals, he will most likely not die and with Northshire Cleric you can cycle your cards.

Holy Champion - Another win condition, behind taunt or just HP buffed, it's a big threat. Combined with Wild Pyromancer and Circle of Healing (or any healing) you got a priest's Frothing Berserker

Inner Fire - I like this card but playing it twice isn't necessary. I had better results just playing one copy. You want to play this card for lethal, but don't be scared to play it just for a Pyromancer's effect, two turn lethal (after you've seen silence(s) or hard removal(s) ), or just to make a good trade.

Northshire Cleric - Broken card (especialy in this deck), your draw engine. This card behind taunt, played with a Circle of Healing, it's just insane. Just be careful, I wanted to make lethal with Lightwarden and ended up with a self-fatiguing at T6 (lol).

Auchenai Soulpriest - Amazing card. With Flash Heal, Circle of Healing and Light of the Naaru, you can easy board-clear or kill a minion, such as Emperor, Lore, Shredder, etc. Remember, damage from healing spells scales with Spell Damage (Velen's Chosen) !

Injured Blademaster - Old classic combo with Circle of Healing and even better - with Northshire Cleric on board.

Matchups and Mulligans:

Note: If you don't know if it's control, midrange or aggro and that class plays aggro decks, always mulligan as vs aggro.

Second note: Northshire Cleric can be buffed by Inner Fire just as 3/3 or 5/5 for early trades vs aggro. It trades and makes cards. If it's gets silenced, your taunt / buffed minions won't get silenced. Most likely it will be an owl and cleric just easily trades with it.

Aggro (Paladin, Hunter, Shaman, Mage, ZOO):
Should be an easy matchup. Mulligan for Northshire Cleric, Wild Pyromancer, Deathlord. You want to keep Injured Blademaster if you don't have a Deathlord in your starting hand or you already have a Circle of Healing. If you have a coin and a Northshire Cleric, you may keep Velen's Chosen for Turn 2 3/7 cleric (with a minion trade). If it's tempo mage, always go for big deathlord. 95% mages do not have silence or hard removal. 

Midrange (Paladin, Hunter, Shaman, Druid, Rogue):
Medium matchup. Mulligan for Deathlord, Injured Blademaster + Circle of Healing. Rogue and Druid are the harder matchups. Vs Rogue you want to play buffed minions as you've seen 2 Saps. Or if lucky, you may just kill him by turn 5-6. Sometimes they prepare 2-turn kill for your Deathlord, punish them with your healling + Cleric. Vs Druid, it depends how fast he ramps up. You have to keep tempo with him or Auchenai Soulpriest + Circle of Healing his board (or Lightbomb). Also use Auchenai Soulpriest + Flash Heal or Light of the Naaru for tempo-kill plays. You can actually fatigue combo druid, Ysera will win you the late game. After 2 Keepers, you want to go for a fat minion or Ysera.

Control (Warrior, Priest, Handlock, Freeze):
Hard matchups. Generally you mulligan same as vs Midrange. Vs Freeze you are slightly favoured since you have self-healing spells. Use them only after Alexstrasza or after he decided to kill you with his burst (but remember to keep around 20 hp, not more). Vs Control, you most likely won't win the late game, you want to kill him with Inner Fire or big Lightwarden / Holy Champion. You prefer Injured Blademaster over Deathlord in this matchup. Vs Handlock, you have to kill him unexpectally - they wont count with a burst. Try to collect (but do not mullingan for it) your Auchenai + Heals or inner fire to kill him. Vs mirror, you are unfavoured, since they play Cabal Shadow PriestShrinkmeister and Shadow Word: Pain. You want to keep your Deathlord at 4 ATK. If he plays Cleric at T1, you may counterplay it by playing your own and T2 Velen's Chosen and trade.


Ysera - You may go for Nefarian (but it's a BGH target). But since the meta is too aggresive, Zombie Chow or Cabal Shadow Priest should work better.
Lightbomb - Again, Zombie Chow or Cabal Shadow Priest.

Vol'jin - It's another "removal" and a possibly high HP minion. Can't find a room for him.

Flash Heal - If you feel you lack minions, go for Cabal Shadow Priest or Zombie Chow. But this change means - less pyro activators, back-up heals, high minion heals (especialy Deathlord), Auchenai Soulpriest damage (instantly). 

I haven't tested Fjola and Eydis and they may really work. If you own them, the best replacement is Injured Blademaster. Other than that, it's Ysera Lightbomb or Holy Nova (one copy).

Othan that, I do not recommend playing different cards.
Do not play this deck without Deathlord. Just. Never.