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TGT Control Shaman

  • Last updated Sep 7, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 16 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 8180
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/7/2015 (TGT Launch)
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I've been using this deck and really like it. I tried a Dragon Control shaman but just felt it didn't perform well. It was too dependent on getting dragons in the right play order.


This deck is all about sustain and longterm value.




2x Healing Wave, lots of removal, and 2 minions that can heal your face. Also 2x Feral Spirit, excellent card because the opponent can't silence both. Very good win-rate versus aggro/face.



Need's to get Elemental Destruction in order to prevent being out-tempo'ed. Which is certainly going to happen as this deck does not pump out creatures on curve. And that's a good thing, because draw is RNG and this deck is more consistent, you just need to get your AoE.



Elemental Destruction removes Grim Patron build up nicely. Feral Spirit and Earth Elemental are difficult for Combo Druid to deal with. And the 2x Healing Wave will outlast his damage. The Hex Is very important to have against Druid as they are able to gain a lot of tempo from Innervate and that needs to be shut down.



Against other control matchups, you will get an okay amount of value from The Mistcaller. Mostly because there aren't that many creatures in this deck, so this isn't really a Mistcaller deck. But combine that value with Charged Hammer and you've really got a good long-game versus other control decks.



Deck Weakness:

Enemy tempo. This deck isn't a tempo deck, and if the enemy builds up a big board and you have no answers, those Healing Wave's won't matter. Control the board, make sure your enemy doesn't get more tempo than you can manage. Some games will simply be lost because you didn't have an Elemental Destruction. Which isn't a problem, all decks lose from bad card RNG. This deck minimizes bad card RNG by only requiring that you have a single Elemental Destruction in stead of requiring that you have multiple cards played in order (a good creature curve).



1. Alexstrasza [/card] + [card]Al'Akir the Windlord next turn.

2. Out last your opponent's board/removal with 8/9 Earth Elemental. If they can't remove your earth Elemental (ran out of hard removal or not in hand), use it to pressure them. They will be forced to lower it's HP so they can remove it on a later turn. IF they do that, heal it back up with Healing Wave