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[LEGEND] Titans Control Armor Warrior

  • Last updated Aug 29, 2023 (Caverns of Time)
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  • 8 Minions
  • 18 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Armor Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 10680
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/9/2023 (Solid Alibi Nerf)
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Does warrior still suck? Well, yes and no. But I'm having a blast with this deck so I'm hoping you will too, and the matchups have been fair with the amount of techs I have made.

 ETC Sideboard:

Blackrock 'n' Roll


Smothering Starfish 

Give me 10 upvotes and I'll write more about this deck.

And thank you for 10 upvotes, and I’m so stoked to share this deck with you. I've even reached legend with this deck on the second last day, which is a swell feeling!

The deck you see before you focuses on two things through the game:

  1. Draw Cards
  2. Removal
  3. Sustain
While I was unable to get a guide out before the buffs, I took a little time to refine this deck again and had to do an overhaul.

To win:

Odyn, Prime Designate is the card you’re looking for: the main man which turns you essentially into a druid each turn, gaining armor and attack at the same time.
But not always about Odyn, Prime Designate, because there will be times where he will be at the bottom of your deck, there may be times he would be taken out before you can even play him, or the situation might not call for it. Therefore, we have other contingencies below:
Ignis, the Eternal Flame: The ultimate value generator - the weapons he is able to produce can swing games for you easily. I normally choose the 10 mana option especially when ahead, which would translate to a longer term value option when smorcing. The 1 mana option is also a good pick if you need some poisonous shenanigans to do emergency clears.
Photographer Fizzle: Use him especially with Ignis, the Eternal Flame and other key cards to ensure that you can reuse valuable resources (like the riffs and fire spells) or any of the armor cards in the deck. There is more than enough draw in the deck to thin it out, which will result in the snapshot coming up to you fast.

How do I get there?

  1. Draw 
This deck has been curated to include a few draw cards which help to cycle through the deck easily. 
Chorus Riff: good tutor to bring out your minions especially since there are just a few specific ones to play. Combined with the other riffs in Finale, it makes a good curve floater. Keep this card in your hand at all costs
Shield Block: I consider this card more of a draw option than an armor option due to the draw being more valuable at all points of the game. It is the next best option to keep if you are looking for a draw option.
Stoneskin Armorer: this card being at 2 is nuts, as now you are able to play it at 4 mana to draw 2. While I rarely keep it in my opening hand against more aggressive decks, this is best kept when you have the coin. Otherwise, mulligan it away.
  1. Removal
The removal cards in the deck are plentiful due to the constant need to continue mowing down the board. Some even have ways to generate value if you time their activation early.
Bellowing Flames: an absolute keep especially with the coming of Ignis, the Eternal Flame. Dealing 10 damage for 3 which splits 50% of it to other enemy minions could spell a lot of damage against decks which swarm the board. Never try to forge this card on turn 2 or 3- it is important to keep using your hero power at any opportunity you can.
Thori'belore: ultimate value card which keeps reviving with the few fire spells in the deck. Dropping him early has helped to keep smaller decks in check. But do note that you would want him to die as soon as possible each turn to avoid silencing or bouncing of this card.
Bladestorm: I normally keep this card when there are extremely wide boards incoming, or large minions I would need to clear. 
Trial by Fire: an amazing board clear which does leave some bodies behind after the dust settles. Use in tandem with thori’belore to do a mass clear, but make sure it dies before casting this again for maximum value.
Brawl : you know this card, what more can I say?
Verse Riff and Bridge Riff: use both at opportune moments, keeping the former in aggro situations, and the latter in control situations. More used to trigger Chorus Riff, but Verse Riff can be double-combined in the late game especially to trigger a huge smash to the face after playing Odyn, Prime Designate
  1. Sustain
The deck has other cards which help to sustain your life total, but some of them should not be totally relied on to stay alive. you should try to use your hero power most of the time unless you have absolute need to drop the spells in this list.
Remixed Tuning Fork: a good early game option to keep yourself alive, keep it at all costs.
Hookfist-3000: with his abilities, this minion is very underrated actually. Drawing a card and helping you sustain works wonders with the number of times you get to attack with your weapons. 
Heavy Plate: A good spell from united in stormwind, I keep it sometimes in my opening hand to activate tradable on turn 1, but mulligan it away as much as possible as it is more of a late game card.
Craftsman's Hammer: How this card works is totally insane - you gain the armor straight on attacking, which softens the blow you take from attacking minions. This is the best buff we’ve got so far, and I’m enjoying the 7 damage to the opponent’s face with 1 blow. I normally try to keep this especially against an aggresive deck.


Against all decks, use Trial by Fire especially to swarm the board and go wide (I’m looking at you scamlocks). Attempt to use your hero power at almost every turn unless absolutely unable.

Possible Substitutes:

Flex cards: Heavy Plate, Trial by Fire.The cards above are flexible spots for tech options, depending on what you are seeing. Although Heavy Plate is slightly painful, the truth is that it only gains you armor unless you already have your win condition online, which is not a guarantee. 
I even switched it around by taking out Remixed Tuning Fork and Hookfist-3000 to include Bash, E.T.C., Band Manager and Astalor Bloodsworn, which really helped a ton.
The above are just some options which can help deal with other decks like plague death knight and even the pesky warlocks who still try to scam us with Thaddius, Monstrosity
All in all, this is the first time in a while which I am really excited for what control warrior can do. Sure its not pretty, and maybe there are things lacking, but its a ton of fun, and its a blast to play. Happy laddering everybody, and let’s paint the meta red!