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Robo-Rogue (mech rogue deck TITANS)

  • Last updated Jul 16, 2023 (Paladin & Lady S'theno Changes)
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  • 30 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Tempo Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 10600
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/16/2023 (Paladin & Lady S'theno Changes)
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This is a tempo rogue deck which uses small mechs early game to cheat out your more valuable magnetic mechs later while generating value with discovery cards and concoctions.

Early in the game you can use a variety of 1 mana mechs to secure the board early on, such as Click-clocker, mistake, frequency oscillator, and drone deconstructor. on turn 3 (or turn two with a coin) you can then upgrade them with Bronze gatekeeper, coppertail snoop, or keep them alive even longer with the SP-3y3-D3R. if your board state is falling apart then Potionmaster Putricide and Door of shadows will allow you to jump back into the board with extra hand value. The main draw engines of the deck are the yellow potions from concoctions and Gear shift but there are also Amalgam of the deep's and Gorillabot A-3's which can help you discover the roughly 31 different mechs rogue has access to, which can also include legendary cards.

Mid game your goal is to apply enough pressure to make your opponent waste their removal on the magnetic minions before throwing down your two rogue legendaries: Mimiron the mastermind and V-07-TR-0N Prime. Mimiron will provide you well needed value out of your countless sparkbots and other 1 mana mechs remaining in your deck while V07TR0N will buff threats on your board to put your opponent into a position of choosing what minion to remove first. If any mech sticks, or you put a SP-3Y3-D3R on a high value mech, then you can use both Lab constructors and Ini stormcoil to create more copies of them to further push the board. If there are a few minions on your opponents board that need to be removed (such as their own titans) then Crabatoa, Serrated bone spikes, and your concoctions can do the job without much trading. 

hopefully combining both the massive tempo swings of your mechs with the constant draw and value from your other cards, the opponent wont be able to deal with the rise of this new No-bounce rogue archetype

for substitutes Ini or crabotoa can be replaced with an additional Invent-o-matic for more early game pressure. The Gorillabot A-3 can also be replaced if you find that you aren't able to stick many mechs on the board or dislike the more value oriented side of the deck.