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This has all minion types.
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We like to think of it as a happy accident.
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This has all minion types.
We like to think of it as a happy accident.
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Insane value in Odd DH, Mech Mage, Mech Pally, Beast Druid, Beast Hunter, Totez Sham, Murlock, & Mrgl Shammy
So this is what happened to mercenaries
No one gives a crap about stupid mercenaries.
Yes because mercenaries was a Mistake
Pretty awful on paper, but some tribal decks might need a 1-drop, especially a sticky one like this.
Cards like this are usually good in 2+ tribe decks, but Hearthstone never had good decks of this kind. They tried with Menagerie in Karazhan, multi-tribe warrior in scholomance and dragon\murloc deck in... don't remember? Around the descent of dragons?
it also sours the discover pool late game
It has name like it came from Diablo 2
Cheap amalgam? It's a HUGE drop off from Amalgam of the Deep though. Are they sure this wasn't supposed to be a battlegrounds card?
It may seem small but amalgam minions always cause problems in battlegrounds. So they have been nerfed or redesigned multiple times. Bringing this little one into battlegrounds would be a mistake. Pun intended.
Hey, it's me!