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Blood for Mecha'thun (OTK)

  • Last updated Jan 7, 2023 (March of the Lich King)
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  • 6 Minions
  • 24 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Mecha'thun Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 5000
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/23/2022 (March of the Lich King)
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Mecha'thun is back in the meta!! This deck averages a turn 6 OTK so it works well all the way up to diamond. It requires very fast play so don't wait for the animations to finish before playing the next card, you will be playing every card in your deck before blowing up your opponent with Mecha'thun!

Mulligan Tier List:

Tier 1:
Tier 2:
Tier 3:
  • Everything else: don't keep

How to:

  1. Draw Nazmani Bloodweaver using any of the spells you have
  2. Play Nazmani Bloodweaver, use one or two spells to reduce the cost of cards in your hand e.g. Gadgetzan Auctioneer, Resurrect or Animate Dead, so the OTK combo will be cheaper
  3. Let your opponent destroy Nazmani Bloodweaver or destroy it yourself, allowing it to enter your graveyard
  4. Wait a few turns using healing spells to stay alive if necessary
  5. OTK:
    1. When you have enough mana, play one Gadgetzan Auctioneer leaving one or two mana spare (enough to play a resurrect spell)
    2. Draw cards by playing 0 cost spells until you find Resurrect or Animate Dead
    3. Using Resurrect and Animate Dead, get as many Nazmani Bloodweavers on the board as you can
    4. Rules when drawing cards:
    5. Draw the rest of your deck, playing all of your spells except Whirlpool
    6. Play Mecha'thun then Whirlpool
    7. Kaboom!!

Note: if you still have minions in your hand they will be destroyed by Whirlpool

Note 2: if you manage to burn Whirlpool or you use it earlier in the game, The Light! It Burns! can be used to kill Mecha'thun instead, just make sure your hand and board are empty

Thanks for checking out this deck :)

Here's a video of the OTK:

A few full games at diamond rank (Mill Druid is almost 100% winrate if you play correctly):