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battlecry naga freeze shaman

  • Last updated Apr 12, 2022 (Sunken City)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Freeze Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 15000
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/11/2022 (Sunken City)
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scroll as a cheap spell to trigger naga effects and gets me more frost.

geyser to help with naga but the dredge also helps us get the cards we need when we need them

finley is here because the shaman hero power is really bad. he also can serve as a cheap way to trigger bolner

windchill slows the opponent, activates naga effects, gives power to glashier and draws cards.

gavel will almost always get the full reduction which really helps make brann and bolner more flexible.

bolner gives us our win conditions multiple times. ashara for multiple relics, okani to block both a spell and a minion, teacher to get a swarm of students (each student will trigger the teacher again giving you another student). 

frostbite is a great removal spell which also acts as a cheap spell for our nagas, frost to help glashier and can slow our opponent if we get the secondary effect

sleetbreaker gives us windchill, and acts as a cheap battlecry for bolner

brann is brann. do i really have to explain why he is here?

mccaw is great on every battlecry in this deck except for finley. more students, more relics, more glashier board fills, more okani disruption

crushclaw tutors for azshara, zola and teacher, three of the best cards in the deck. you could only run one copy because it really sucks when it draws itself, but there's not really anything great to replace it with. also it's kind of a cheap battlecry for bolner?

slimescale diver is a great way to slow our opponent down and to get rid of big threats when we need to

zola gets us more of the cards we really like. its important to remember you can also use it on colossuses created by ashara. she also lets us play brann and bolner riskier, by giving us multiple copies of them.

okani on his own is pretty weak but doubling his battlecry or repeating it with mccaw will get very annoying for your opponent very quickly. in this deck i reckon you want to stop spells most of the time, since we can freeze minions.

teacher is beyond crazy in this deck.
looking at 22 the shaman spells that it can teach, 3 of them are useless, 4 of them are mid, and 15 of them are really good. this means that each discovery option has about a 70% chance of being very powerful.
(noteable high rolls include far sight, ancestral spirits and tidal surge.)
the students are incredibly versatile in this deck. they are cheap battlecries to trigger bolner,  cast spells for ashara, learn frost spells for glashier, draw you cards, control the board, heal you or burst your opponent if they are low.
also, think about playing teacher with brann. not only do you get two students, but their battlecries are doubled as well!
or student with bolner! the student would reactivate the teachers battlecry, giving you another student for a loop! at ten mana thats 4 students, but if you had bolner out the turn before that is 6!
i cannot stress enough how powerful the students are. we would still want to play them if they were three mana, but they aren't - they are 1!

don't stand in the fire is board clear. it is also very useful against colossuses as it destroys many of them entirely, and the others are left with very few hit points making them easy to clean up.

azshara is the card the deck is built around. take the horn to get a cheap colossus, take the ring to get a cheap horn, take the dagger to finish of your opponent, take the stone to trigger the dagger many times.

tealan tutors for azshara and glashier, both of which we really want to find. taunt is also very useful in this deck as it helps protect cards we want to stick, such as brann and bolner. (i was thinking of running treasure guard for this very reason but i feel it's not worth making crushclaw weaker)

we would be running many frost spells anyway, so glashier is an easy choice. 

cards you could consider running and why i have chosen not to

brukan: this deck does not need brukan to win.

glugg: our board will either be not full enough for glugg to benefit from, or too full thanks to glashier and glugg will not spawn his parts. he also makes taelans tutor effect much less reliable.

treasure guard: it makes crushclaws tutor effect much less powerful. if the meta is super fast, you might want to swap out both crushclaws for this, or run it instead of some of the greedier cards, like zola and finley.

rustrot viper: i really want to run this card as i am very scared of swordfish, but am unsure of what to remove for it. i will have to wait and test the deck to see.