Quest Druid (VttSC) mini guide
- Last updated Apr 13, 2022 (Sunken City)
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- 13 Minions
- 17 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Quest Druid
- Crafting Cost: 11400
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/7/2022 (Sunken City)
- BirdBat
- Registered User
- 1
- 4
- 9
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
i've played a ton of quest Druid in many different variations, from all spells to aggro/tempo, but i think this new version will be stronger than all of them with the introduction of Nagas
Game Plan-
stay alive with Doomsayer / removal / armor gain until you've completed the quest and have drawn Brann Bronzebeard, Zola the Gorgon, and at least one Innervate, and are on 10 mana (or 9 with both Innervate). then you-
Brann Bronzebeard + Guff the Tough + Innervate + Zola the Gorgon on Guff the Tough = 16 damage to face and 16 armor to stay alive until next turn, where you play both of those generated Guff the Tough for hopefully a 2 turn kill
Cool Interactions-
1. Capture Coldtooth Mine can help you reload by guaranteeing Miracle Growth. or can pull Pounce / Innervate, both of which are very useful (finishing the quest / the combo)
2. Dozing Kelpkeeper can activate a Seaweed Strike which then in turn helps activate the Dozing Kelpkeeper
3. 4 zero cost spells, 4 two cost spells, and 6 three cost spells, means you have plenty of cheap options to activate Crushclaw Enforcer and Queen Azshara. Crushclaw Enforcer can sometimes draw into Zola the Gorgon (needed for the combo), or even Queen Azshara / School Teacher (both of which are extremely powerful cards)
4. with Queen Azshara you almost always want to take Ring of Tides, so you can get a 1 mana Miracle Growth, or even double up on a Feral Rage, Seaweed Strike, or Pounce to finish the quest faster
5. School Teacher is insane for this deck because so many of the "costs (3) or less" spells that Druid has are very useful. There are 6 different draw options (Aquatic Form, Capture Coldtooth Mine, Composting, Living Seed, Moonlit Guidance, and Wrath), but it's even better if it hits Feral Rage, Seaweed Strike, or even Pounce
Launch Update
the deck is overall performing alright, i think i'm a little above a 50%, and with almost all of my losses coming from exactly one thing- taunts. because of that i decided to cut the Dozing Kelpkeeper which too often slept for too long and added in two Smothering Starfish, which can be used in place of Zola the Gorgon on the combo turn (if your opponent has taunts up and 16 attack will be enough to finish them off) and it works much better
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