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Quest Highlander Hunter

  • Last updated May 11, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Quest Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 14660
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/4/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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Quest Hunter was my favorite archtype in the last meta, so I wanted to create a list that was more focused on the Quest and not as much on the combo. After some tinkering, I think the following list work extremely well. It has the flexibility Highlander is known for (maybe not quite as much as the traditional version), and some excellent reach/more late game threats. Using it on ladder and will update with stats when I get a decent sample size.

5/11: So far sitting at 58% (22 of 38), however, it's been subject to a lot of tinkering and I expect this to go up. Currently on version 2.11. Currently HSreplay shows a 54% win rate for this archtype (Bronze through Gold), so I'm happy with the results so far. Things are improving.


5/4/20 -1 Infested Goblin, +1 Hippogryph. Just wasn't getting the value I needed out of Goblin.

5/5/20: -1 Toxic Reinforcements, +1 Phase Stalker. Toxic looks good on paper, but you're barely using your hero power in favor of tempo plays, so this ends up being a dead card more often than not.

5/7/20: -1Dwarven Sharpshooter, +1 Imprisoned Felmaw. -1 Primordial Explorer, +1 Maiev Shadowsong. I wasn't getting the value I needed out of Sharpshooter. I had the same issue as with Toxic Reinforcements; you just don't use your hero power much. Added Maiev because I need some more utility due to lack of spells.

5/11/20: Took out the Secret package and put in +1 Bug Collector, +1 Vulpera Scoundrel, and Licensed Adventurer. Took out Maiev who just didn't feel like a great fit for this deck, and added Rusteed Raider. I think the deck is in it's final form. The Quest completes more consistently/quickly now.

I won't go over some of the more obvious choices except to explain some of the synergies for newer players.

Clear the Way  - Nothing new here. Combines with Desert Spear, Diving Gryphon, Zixor, Apex Predator, Unleash the Beast, Hench-Clan Hogsteed, Sky Gen'ral Kragg , and Faceless Corruptor (and sometimes with dragons from Alex).

Dwarven Sharpshooter - Great removal against aggro. I mulligan this against DH and other Hunters.

Toxic Reinforcements - I think this fits in great with this Quest version of Highlander. Adds some damage and completes the Quest.

Tracking  - A lot of people dislike this card, but there's a reason why it's in almost every Hunter deck. Use it for when you need something, not as a tempo play (unless given no choice).

Pack Tactics - Makes for some really great plays and helps complete the Quest. I especially like it with the taunt minions or Shu'ma.

Scavenger's Ingenuity  - Most of the beasts are in token form, so this will draw out Diving Gryphon , Zixor, Apex Predator, or Hench-Clan Hogsteed , and of course Zixor Prime. So far I haven't had a situation where this is a dead card.

Snake Trap  - Helps the Quest, early tempo, and beast synergy with Kill Command and Houndmaster 

Animal Companion - Not the fastest card but has great value and beast synergy. If you wanted to swap this out for a tech card, like another taunt, this might be a good candidate. So far though it's been great though.

Kill Command - With all the beast synergy, this really helps as a big removal or finisher.

Primordial Explorer - There isn't any dragon synergy in here per say, but I really like this guy because it's possible big removal, great tempo, helps your mana curve if you heave a dead hand coming up. Sometimes you get another Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, which is awesome.

Unleash the Hounds - Lost some oomph without Leeroy, but it's still a great finisher. Don't be afraid to use this in the early game when needed (especially against other Hunters or DH's). Helps finish the Quest too.

Houndmaster - I added this in after testing the deck a bit. The heavy beast synergy works great with this card and helps slow down your opponent.

Unleash the Beast - Fits great with this deck. Beast synergy plus the Sidequest, and since it's a twinspell, it helps even more with the Quest.

Nagrand Slam - I was skeptical about this one because it seems bad without some way to reduce the cost, such as with Archmage Vargoth. So far it's been great though. A really good fit for this deck. It can help as a finisher and usually survives an extra turn, so they can be buffed with the Quest.

Shu'ma - I'd go back on forth on using this pre-AoH because it was a bit slow. Now, it seems like a great fit. Watch out for Priest steals though (however, you can steal it back with Zephrys).