62% WR R5-Legend
- Last updated Feb 13, 2020 (GA Week 4)
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- 18 Minions
- 9 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 18380
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 2/13/2020 (GA Week 4)
- zlooyzooy
- Registered User
- 2
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mullig/ 1-3 drops Play: Use the Brain
Great Deck, The mulligan guide is VERY helpful. Cheers! Went from 5-3 so far with no losses ( probably due to the awesome mulligan guide i suppose). I did replace Warmaster Voone and Livewire Lance with Wrenchcalibur and Clockwork Goblin and it seems to be working great!
the deck is very complicated and expensive, I advise you to look at the guides on YouTube
Rank 13, lost 5 in a row. I guess just consistent bad luck?
All your screenshots prove is you've played 5 games, 4 against a hunter and 1 against a druid and you won those 5.
I can post that with any tier 1,2,3 deck and slap a WR on it.
Nice guide for telling me to use my brain, never tought of that.
the deck is excellent, it is full of guides on various resources. I speak English poorly and therefore I advise you to use the search.
Lol, you can clearly see in his screenshot he has played 85 games with this deck and won 53 out of those, resulting in a 62% W/R. I can give you a guide for using your eyes, because clearly you never thought of that...
Easy there danny boy, he's on version 1.4 he could've gone from gala warrior to this decklist, but that was not the point, it went over your head, and your cap. Wich makes you look like a 15 year old emo boy trying to grow a mustache.
The point was this deck is just a standard highlander warrior that everyone can find easy online. There's nothing.
Also if ppl weren't aware and interested the guide is a bit short wouldn't you agree?
TLDR: Guy who posted this wants to brag about his WR and doesn't really care about helping ppl play this deck right.
Even if he is on v1.4 your argument is still invalid that he only played and won 5 matches.
How I look and what you think I look like is irrelevant to this conversation, and I honestly couldn't care less :)
Me go face?
Use brain? Hmm