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[SoU] Doom Update | Control HL Warlock | Single...

  • Last updated Oct 9, 2019 (Doom in the Tomb)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Renolock
  • Crafting Cost: 17300
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/9/2019 (Doom in the Tomb)
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Hello my fellow tomb raiders! My name is Tony, but as my username already betrays it, I go by the alias of Singletony. This is mainly due to the fact that I have always loved playing one-off decks. Many names have been given to this particular build, including Reno, Highlander and Singleton decks. It's the world's biggest surprise that I have adapted that name to fit my own name, hence spawning Singletony.

I started playing at around Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, and it didn't take long for me to find the most fun part of Hearthstone for myself; being able to play as many different cards as you are physically able of playing. As you can imagine, I have been stuck in Wild for a very long time, so you can understand the hype I felt when they announced Saviors of Uldum. This was the expansion to bring me back to Standard, and I missed that format for quite some time. As you might know, Wild is fun, but it's a bit busted at times.

As for my decks, they are all Reno decks, as explained. I like them to be Control-like decks, so Aggro Warrior and Tempo Paladin are not my style. Looking for decks that will make every match interesting and different? Now thát, I can help you with.


Control Warlock has died in Standard as soon as key-cards like Voidlord, Lesser Amethyst Spellstone and Bloodreaver Gul'dan rotated. Renolock is still one of the strongest Control decks in Wild right now, and the addition of Zephrys the Great only made it stronger. But alas, it was dead for the biggest time in Standard, even when Zephrys dropped. The class lacked healing, greatly, and was unable to provide a good win-condition that would allow them to go to length with other Control decks, since removal was never really anything Warlock had troubles with.

But now, with the return of N'Zoth, the Corruptor, Sylvanas Windrunner and Ragnaros the Firelord, the deck has the late-game value it needs. With this strategy, the idea is simple yet challenging. Your goal is to outgrind your opponent, trade wisely, and to abuse certain interactions, specifically with Expired Merchant, to provide a late-game powerhouse that few to no other decks can compete with. Roughly put, make it to turn 8/9, and your chances of winning rise by miles.

Please note that this deck is a work-in-progress. It's built around the interaction between Expired Merchant and some of our late-game giants, and the ability to remove your opponent's board quite effectively. If you have any tips, please let me know.

Card Choices

  • Coming soon.



  • Coming soon; need to play more games with this deck.


  • Coming soon; need to play more games with this deck.

General Strategy

As any other Control deck, your goal is simply survive. Against some archetypes, like Aggro or Midrange, this seems a very tough start, where the mulligan really matters. Against Combo, this means that you have to pressure early and hard. Against Control, we can really shine, as we can create some dirty, dirty scenarios with N'Zoth. Our goal will remain the same, no matter the match up: remove boards, remove some more, take some damage, and then some, and then come back into the match in an unforeseeable way.

Versus Druid

I will go into each class separately, once the meta settles a bit more and we see which decks are most prominently appearing on ladder for each class.

Versus Hunter

Versus Mage

Versus Paladin

Versus Priest

Versus Rogue

Versus Shaman

Versus Warlock

Versus Warrior


 I hope you enjoyed this deck and the guide. I write bigger guides for serious people that like to test out semi-viable, and I'm looking forward to hearing some of your experiences with this particular deck, or any other Highlander deck.