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(top 400 Legend) Quest Control Priest

  • Last updated Aug 9, 2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Quest Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 12360
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/9/2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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Hey guys its Promsaka back with another decklist guide! I'm pretty experienced with Hearthstone and have been playing since the early seasons with much of my success coming from control decks. I've competed and won a lot of local HS tourneys in Houston and love to make decks and experiment with some variations and techs with popular meta decks. I've achieved legend multiple times and highest rank was #111 during early season and finished a season at around top 400 last season at the last hour. I am super happy to introduce to you my variation of Quest Control Priest. It is in my opinion a stronger variation to normal quest priest because my version run a very heavy card draw engine as well as providing a heavy late game. I will provide card descriptions, techs, mulligans vs different match ups as I am familiar with this deck. Feel free to ask any questions in the comment box and ill get back to you asap.  

Proof of Legend is on my stream https://www.twitch.tv/promsaka please drop a follow im new to streaming and just trying it out much appreciated!

Card Explanation

Circle of HealingNorthshire Cleric - I decided to combine these cards together in the explanation because they are very synergistic with each other. You can get some pretty cool combinations with these cards such as develop Injured Blademaster turn 3 coin Northshire Cleric into Circle or Healing for a strong board to contest anything at the early stage as well as establishing minions to fight turn 4 and drawing a card. 

Forbidden Words - This card is a very unique way or removal which can kill off strong minions at the expense your mana for that turn. The card provides a lot of value. Lets say the opponent plays a Zilliax or expends a lot of mana to develop a minion, you have the opportunity to conserve valuable aoe clears with this card.

Activate the Obelisk - The quest gives priest much needed value that you will passively achieve through hero power healing and aoe healing that the deck offers. The great thing about this deck is that you don't need to play anything turn 1 as priest so having this card drawn and limiting your mulligan will not harm priest players in general. WE ARE NOT AN EARLY GAME DECK so do not be discouraged to keep this card ever.

Power Word: Shield, Wild Pyromancer - Card provides cycle as well as an activator to our Wild Pyromancer. You can make really really nice plays with Wild Pyromancer, Northshire Cleric, Circle of Healing, Power Word: Shield to deal 2 aoe dmg and preserve board. OR simple reverse the order of Circle or Healing and Power Word: Shield to draw two cards guaranteed and potentially more by healing all minions on board to draw more(be careful not to overdraw).

Seance, Chef NomiArchivist Elysiana - Seance is intended to be used on Chef Nomi in control matches or Archivist Elysiana Why am I running these cards in my deck???????? The deck was so effective at defeating early aggro and midrange but would run out of fuel late game when I was ahead or even. When using these cards Chef Nomi would be the outright win condition of the deck and Archivist Elysiana would just reinforce our late game with more cards to pressure the opponent. 

Injured BlademasterPsychopomp - This minion when healed on turn 3 is a beast of a threat. 4 attack counters priest mirror sense they cannot death or pain it. Also any healing on this will count toward quest. Psychopomp will curve into turn 4 with this minion and will give you a great turn 3 into turn 4 play which happens quite often. 

High Priest Amet - This card is very cheap and acts as a soft taunt. For 4 mana your value output is very high. I found it fits very nicely into this deck and it makes for a nice hp buff onto many cards in the deck. The only card it doesn't buff is Injured Blademaster sense it has 7 hp already. 

Convincing Infiltrator - Such a wonderful card against control and aggro. The card if played properly can devastate an opponents game plan to develop a board state or would obstruct aggro charges into your face. It often takes a lot for the enemy to kill this minion and will make Psychopomp a better minion to summon because the opportunity to play summon this card as well.

Mass Hysteria - Nice Brawl - esk card that can clear a large board of Mage Giants or other large minions. How to use? Wait for enemy to play huge minion with a lot of token minions play card, watch them cry EZ go next. 

Sandhoof Waterbearer, Zilliax

Basically a solid card to include. The card is just great for the quest and can be a great turn 5 play if you don't have one.

Khartut Defender - Again great for defending against aggro, good for stalling for a nice Plague of Death turn or just healing health to your hero.

Siamat - easily a great underated card. I like to use this card for board clear or pressure. If there is a large minion and you would like to remove it while developing board play Siamat just rush --> divine shield or rush --> windury to clear multiple targets.

Plague of Death - The best aoe clear in the game hands down. The card is expensive to play but is worth the cost for what it does. It silences any harmful effects that the opponent's minions carry and clears the board.


For early you always keep quest and want to find Wild Pyromancer with coin. Good combos are Circle of Healing and Injured Blademaster with Psychopomp or High Priest Amet. Northshire is always a good keep but I rarely play it on turn 1. I value the card draw and healing combos I could achieve with this deck. Don't get baited into those cheeky turn 1 Cleric into it dying right after that is a FeelsBadMan. WASTED VALUE GUYS.