Cheap Combo Silence Priest-Rise Of Shadows
- Last updated Apr 8, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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- 17 Minions
- 13 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Silence Priest
- Crafting Cost: 2820
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/8/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
- Eddan
- Registered User
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Silence Priest with high damage potential.
Many minions in this deck has a lot of health and with Inner Fire you can hit your opponent for a lot of damage when they least expects it.
You can make this deck cost less than 2000 Dust if you can’t get Lazul.
Mana Reservoir and Dalaran Librarian are your play makers.
Mana Reservoir makes your 3-drops 3 mana 5/6 beaters and is pretty hard to remove on turn 2 for most decks.
Dalaran Librarian is pretty self explanatory.
Quartz Elemental is pretty huge and if you Silence him, he becomes a force to be reckoned with.
Hope you liked the deck :)
Good deck , but I am still working on it to learn how to use it , fcking hard man :D , I am new to it , just started playing it , never played this kind of deck , I have to predict a little bit the cards of the opponent. These damn Murlock Shamans annoy me
Thanks! You could try adding a hungry crab to the deck, otherwise i have similar decklist that uses some more Taunt minions.
Thanks for the deck went 12-2 in the brawliseum really good against all of the warriors they dont have the tempo to keep up. You can get fucked if you draw bad but otherwise decks really good and cheap. Also would love some tips for wild. Gg
Congratulations! Well done. I don't think i am the right person to ask about Wild, as i don't play Wild at all. It's too expensive for me.
I think Mass Dispel works amazing in this deck, especially with all the Mech/Deathrattle hunters that can be pesky, along with certain Paladin decks. I don't think a Lady in White would hurt this deck at all either, with maybe 2x Batterhead. That may be a little too slow though.
I am definitely going to try this deck tonight, the only thing I'm worried about is card draw. I may add one Acolyte of Pain or a couple of Spellbreaker
Thank you!
Lady in White and Batterhead would make this deck a lot more expensive, but if we where to run them, we might as well run Mosh'ogg Enforcer. Wild Pyromancer could also be an option. To fit all of this, we will probably have to remove Divine Spirit+Inner Fire from the deck to fit everything in, making the deck very different.
Doing all of these changes would make the deck a bit slower and more reliant on drawing Lady in White, but when we draw her, it gets a whole lot stronger in the late game.
So if you have all of these cards go for it!
Acolyte of Pain could be clunky for this deck, but i have a new version here that focuses more on card draw:
Any particular reason to run Mana Reservoir instead of Lightwell? The healing against a bomb warrior seems better than 1 extra health on Mana Reservoir with no damage spells in the deck? I know it can activate Arcane Watcher, but with so much self-silence it doesn't really seem necessary.
There are a few.
He makes Arcane Watcher and Faceless Ranger stronger by himself.
He does not care about being silenced himself that much.
High health, witch gives him synergy with Divine Spirit+Inner Fire.
You can make him become a 3 Mana 6/6 with one additional card, if you want a tempo swing.
Some opponents who are not familiar with this deck, won't see him as a threat and ignore him.
If the opponent does decide to deal with it, they have to "waste" damage on it, with gives you more time to get combo parts.
That's about all i can think of. If you don't like him you could play Wild Pyromancer.
Wild Pyromancer doesn't have synergy with your 3-drops, but you get another potential board clear, more synergy with Northshire Clearic and more card draw.
When i think of it more i can make this deck EVEN MORE CHEAPER, so stay tuned for that.
Have a nice day :)
I have now made a new version of this deck here:
I'm using Chameleos in place of Lazul (I don't have her) to some good success. 15 games so far, 60% w/r on my low elo. Shamans tend to stomp me, mages tend to suffer in my hands; haven't faced any pally yet.
Great budget deck!
Thank you :)
Very good deck. Even without Madame Lazul (I added another Mass Dispel instead) it worked great for me. Went 6-3 on the current brawl. Unfortunately I got crushed by three Bomb Warriors (all games very pretty close). Anyway this is an awesome budget deck!
Should I throw in a Mojomaster Zihi?
If so, what should I replace? Thanks!
Also I can't afford Lazul, what's a good replacement?
You read my mind. I want this answer too. Could that make a 1 for 1 trade off?
Don't see him working right now, but an Grizzly could work well, gives you a bit more time for combo. Gonna post a more defensive list in a moment, so stay tuned.
Very fun and cheap deck to start the expansion with ;)
Thanks :)
super fun to play, thank you :)
Glad it works out for you. :)
I've been playing with this deck since yesterday.
Struggling a bit sometimes against tooooo many 10k dust warrior/hunter/rogue decks. Do you have any suggestions for upgrades? -> And which should be replaced :)
Thanks for the deck btw. Im really bad a crafting so its very useful