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Frenzied Cyberstalker [Rank 5 Spell Hunter]

  • Last updated Apr 2, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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  • 23 Spells
  • 5 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Spell Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 7300
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/9/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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This is my take on spell hunter.  It's fun and works more consistently with Zul'jin due to the exclusions of such spells as Tracking and (gasp!) Kill Command.  Some of my choices may be somewhat sub-optimal for winning's sake, but all the cards have been carefully chosen for maximum fun and consistency with Zul'jin.  I didn't care for holding Killing Command until after Zul'jin, but using it early and then eating your own minions or your face for 5 damage was frustrating.

What's different about this version?  (Card Choices)

  • I've included a few unconventional choices for spell hunter to replace the above mentioned spells.  As you may have guessed from the deck title, I have chosen to include Dire Frenzy and Cybertech Chip.
  • Although Dire Frenzy has some anti-synergy with To My Side! (I've only included one copy) and Rhok'delar, you will often choose to use Dire Frenzy in the much later game on a broken zombeast.  If you have to use it early, so be it.  Sometimes it's necessary to buff something to stay alive and that's fine, especially if it's a Hound from Unleash the Hounds.
  • As for Cybertech Chip, this card is awesome for using after a Spellstone or even early on just a few targets.  The reason both Dire Frenzy and Cybertech are so great is because they synergize excellently with Zul'jin.  You end up shuffling potentially 12 extra beasts into your deck and will often have your hand full of mechs that you can spam onto the board.
  • NO Tracking.  While this card is technically amazing, it does not synergize with how this deck works.  We're in it for the long haul (mechathun can be a problem) and discarding cards won't do us any favors when trying to outlast your opponent in fatigue (Zul'jin compounds this effect), not to mention the /feelsbadman things Tracking can occasionally do.
  • The Beast Within - another spell that synergizes well with Zul'jin but can also just be a great situational card.  Very underrated.


Pretty easy here.  Candleshot and Secret Plan are nice, but also important are secrets and spellstones.  Some people like to keep Rexxar, but sometimes it's better to play him after Zul'jin so I don't keep him unless I think I'm facing aggro.

That's about all I have.  I didn't track my stats on the way to rank 5 but I'd guess easily over 60%.  If this generates any interest I can go into further detail, but mostly it's just learning when to optimally use Dire Frenzy.  Hope you all enjoy.