[Legend 6] BoarControl's Gloop Sprayer Druid
- Last updated Nov 9, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 12 Minions
- 17 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Taunt Druid
- Crafting Cost: 10400
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 11/9/2018 (Boomsday)

- BoarControl
- Pro Player
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Got into legend at #6 with this Gloop Sprayer Druid build. Pretty fun if you like making 4 Lich kings in a turn.
Remember, high Legend has counter-queuing and very little aggro compared to the regular ladder. There's a reason people shouldn't blindly play top Legend decks (as well as tournament decks) on regular pre-legend ladder. The meta is different in each area.
Hey guys I just made a quick video showcasing this deck!
Check it out! Thanks, memes included.
Well Met! I created a video showcasing this deck. I hope that you will enjoy it and learn something new. Thanks and cheers!
added Ixil and Jyici Psychmelon instead of 1 of each netural epic (missing them) , nice game ;))
Replaced 1 Devilsaur with Mecha'Thun for hard control matchup. Also, many opponents have more difficulties dealing with 2 10/10 than 2 7/7 (even when the 7/7 have "rush")
They have charge
Can you play this with only 1 Florist?
Why include two ultimate? You can never play both without killing yourself.
Pick druid class -> Pick any druid deck - > Profit
If you were to throw Leeroy Jenkins in here (for more play+copy shenanigans) what would you sub out?
Im playing Leeroy instead of howl. Try that.
whats the point in Charged Devilsaur × 2 if you copy him he still can't go face, trading?
Battlecries do not trigger when summoned from abilities, recruit, copy, etc. So this battlecry triggers when played from your hand (including Flobbidinous Floop) but doesn't when summoned from Gloop Sprayer.
Unless I did something wrong, this is not true. I just used Gloop Sprayer and Faceless Manipulator on a Charged Devilsaur and none of the 3 I created could charge face that turn. If there is a way to do it differently and they can face, do let me know.
If you play the Charged Devilsaur it triggers its battlecry so it cant go face, so if you copy it the same turn its played the copied versions cannot go face. however if you copy a Charged Devilsaur a turn FOLLOWING that it is played, it then has charge and can go face so any copies will have charge and go face...
Isn't it just a 7/7 then? It's like playing war golem with +1 mana and waiting for it to survive.
2nd Dreampetal Florist replacement ???
I guess you could replace one with Twig of the World Tree. For the second maybe Hadronox to bring back your The Lich King, or Zola the Gorgon, maybe even Ysera could work?
try witching hour i think, will ressurect the devilsaur for 3 mana