Void Terror OTK!
- Last updated Sep 21, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 19 Minions
- 10 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Warlock
- Crafting Cost: 9200
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/21/2018 (Boomsday)

- MarkMcKz
- Registered User
- 11
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The goal of this deck is to play Summoning Portal, Summoning Portal, Leeroy, Cube Leeroy, Faceless Cube, Void Terror between the Cubes!
5 Leeroys = 30 damage!
Challenging, but fun!
Good luck!
I won a lot of games with this deck, but never did the OTK :D
Terrible deck
I'm gonna give it a try! I'm also thinking about replacing the two Mortal Coils with Rin and another Void Terror. Rin is always a good pick against control decks but it is really troublesome when she gets silenced immediately upon entering the board. Void Terror is an easy way of getting those seals and it leaves a big 6/9 demon for them to deal with.
I haven't even played this deck yet (just loaded in a match) and I don't care if I lose 10 in a row. I'm upvoting you for creativity. Too many copy cat decks. Thank you for having a brain.
Update: I won every game where I didn't stupidly forget a part of my combo before playing it.. lol
And.. 3 different people friended me haha
and this is funny, because....
Excelent deck. Very fun to play and good against most decks!
Lord Godfrey is just an incredibly powerful tech card, you can pretty much replace it with anything tech-y. Same deal with Gnomeferatu, it's not a card that's required for anything, really.
I replaced him with spellbreaker but i think mossy horror might be a better tech right now.
success rate against Baku Warrior? I feel that's such a terrible match up due to armor
I'm guessing against baku warrior attempt to fatigue him and don't go for the combo, regular control warlock can normally fatigue baku warrior because of the Gnomeferatus, just remember not draw cards unless they do.
Why do you run gnome? Doesn't seem like an optimal pick for this deck.
fun and funny, I dont know how this could be funnier, but it would make it the funniest
I mean, it's a solid 2 drop that contests most 1 and 2 drops (and some 3 drops), it can potentially burn a vital card or combo piece, what else would you play? River Crocolisk?
it looks really cool ... any replacements for gnome feratu?
Funny thing about the deck is that it resides inside a control warlock which is a solid deck all around so sometimes u just win the battle of fatigue and pushaway aggro like its nothing. The combo is just an extra
Damn I miss good old Worgen OTK deck.
Honestly they should unerf the charge card and bring back the guy that gives your minions with 3 or less attack charge. Warrior has no fun decks to play rn and the combos are significantly worse compared to a lot of the crazy otk's available today. In wild patron warrior would be strong but it's extremely high skil cap and brings some strategy back to OTK.
If I remember correctly, Warsong Commander was only nerfed due to Grim Patron. But with Patron in Wild now (and has been a while) I see no real reason not to at least unnerf the Commander. I can't see them unnerfing Charge as they are trying to get away from the Charge mechanic all together. Maybe they should unnerf it, send to HoF, then replace it with a new Classic card called "Rush" that gives a minion Rush. lol
There's already a card called Charge.
No kidding! That's what we're talking about. The previous comment was to unnerf Charge (<-- link to the card, as in my previous post) and I was joking that if they did that it'd probably move to HoF and get replaced with a new card called "Rush" which would do exactly what the nerfed version of the card Charge does now.