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Looking to learn more about Hearthstone's eleventh expansion? Visit the expansion guide for Rise of Shadows!
It's great that you can immediately play a card on the same turn, making this a very viable option for all control type mage decks. Dragon mage anyone?
Football and games.
Super good.
Crazy good
Very very strong.
You can play this, immidiately take 1 extra turn if you completed the quest. and then play 2x 10 damage next turn. :D
Nice card.
It´s a nice Mage Card 10/10
Best mage leg since archmage
easy 1st day Golden craft like Raffaam
Man, this card seems so cool!
It is almost a free card in a control deck. So good.
As expected from the Blue Dragonflight. Cool card indeed.
I wonder if it will see play on Wild Reno Mage lists.
Who goes thar?!
*cannon shooting sound*
I'm in charge now!
Another staple Legendary for sure, has a good immediate effect and is a card that must be removed.
Hell yeah!
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
Join me at Out of Cards!
This looks very powerful.
Very strong card. Better than Raffam IMO.
If Mage gets enough strong control tools this will see play. Comparable in power level to pre-nerf Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, who saw some play in tempo mage back in Old Gods. Unfortunately, Tempo Mage is dead because of Mana Wyrm, but we'll see.
If it is your opponent discover Pyroblast Flamestrike or Blizzard, if it is you discover Elemental Evocation Arcane Missiles or Mirror Image
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius