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Really only 2800 if you have one to dust.
Today on wild casual, my warlock deck that had Prince Malchezaar and Brann Bronzebeard played The Curator along with Brann Bronzebeard to pull out Onyxia and Deathwing, Dragonlord... My deck does not have the curator nor the dragons.
We all wanted it to be good but it turned out as not good as we wanted. Great card, bad timing blizzard.
Winner of the "Weirdest Six-Pack Award 2016".
Every ranked game this has been played against me the opponent has lost.
does this give you other classes legendaries?
No, only from your own class or neutrals.
Another really cool card idea that just cannot be used in a competitive deck. Aggro is just way too crushing to get any use out of this. Even with the few top tier control decks that do exist, you have to have your board clears and heals at the exact right time, or you lose in the next turn or two. When a zoo deck plays Doomguard (which now can also draw them cards and play minions instead of discarding them), you can't draw a 8 or 9 cost legendary, you're literally dead the next turn. If this guy was a battlecry - shuffle 5 legendaries into your deck - then yeah it might be playable.
This is working pretty well for me in Evolve Shaman. The Mistcaller in a deck with 5 extra minions isn't bad.
This is a great PvE card.
bli$$ , fire some of your developers for real ... first Reno Jackson , then C'Thun , now this ? do you know how underpowered is a warlock vs a deck with malchezaar ?
Reno Jackson and C'Thun are some of the most well balanced and designed cards to date. Prince Malchezaar is a worse version of Elise Starseeker.
Objectively bad. There's no way this can work in the current EU meta.
Maybe viable in super late game decks (Warrioir/Priest) which are trying to get golden money value as well. Otherwise the range of minions is to big I think to make it work consistently in other decks. If you cant cope with having a couple of dead cards in your hand for a few turns this card will lose you some games. Stat wise it is pretty good I think. If you could control when the cards are added it would be much more consistent but I guess that would have been against Blizzards "Make it random" policy....
Overpowered? Nah, this card is plain bad. Why would you ever want 5 random cards added to your deck? Sure you could get a Tirion or something but that's rare. Most Legendaries are far below average. His effect is a downside. You're better off playing Pit Fighter.
if you intend to play free to play in a trading card game and expect to be on top, you're going to have a bad time.
this card in particular isn't even anywhere near an auto win, it ruins draw percentages for core cards and adds random cards to your deck that may or may not be good.
You can't even get a Tirion Fordring because Prince Malchezaar's effect obeys standard deckbuilding rules. No duplicates. No cards outside your class. So, you get shitty class legendaries or The Boogeymonster and Co.
Free dust
Edit: lol at fanboys downvoting anyone who speaks bad about this card.