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does it will get the new quest legendarys?
No. The card says Legendary minions, not cards (nor spells).
38,5% Meta Defining. Right..
This could have been fun and somewhat playable as Discover a legendary minion, maybe costing 6 or 7 for it.
It would give the thrill of random legendaries without nearly as much inconvenient inconsistency.
My last game with this card:
Millhouse Manastorm + Nat Pagle + Nat, the Darkfisher No kidding.
Decided to change his battlecry text to: become 25% of a decent legendary card in the decks it fits. And been doing great since.
So many dead hands, so many early/mid games screwed,... Got a bit value too sometimes, to be fair, but overall I'm happy the nightmare is over.
They may have imagined this as a fast version of Elise Starseeker, but not even close, one makes the switch when you want, other puts dead cards into your hand too soon too often.
My Dragon Priest Tempo/Control deck has room for this. Given there are a good number of legendary dragons, so it's rare I don't get something useful.
I want this to work. I think Druid is the best candidate or Warlock for his draw hero talent.
Is it possible to have the voice clip of what he says at the start of the game uploaded to this site?
I got really excited when I first saw this card. Eventhough it doesn't strike as Dr. Boom level of meta-defining, in theory the five extra legendaries has lot of potential and could bring lots of interesting possibilities to the game. But after running with him with various classes and different decks I've reached the conclusion that Prince Malchezaar is nothing more than just a fun but bad card which has no place in competetive play. Here's why:
1) The body of Malchezaar is not really good
A body of 5/6 for 5 mana is not actually bad, but one can say that it's not really good either. Pit Fighter has the same stats and how often you see him in competetive play?
2) Issues with tempo
For the same reason those 5 extra legendaries are often dead draws which will have a negative effect on your' tempo. This is a big issue in the early and mid-game when you want to establish board control and you need cards to do so. Drawing cards like Icehowl, Deathwing or Millhouse Manastorm will just clog your hand and give you less ways to handle the threats on the board.
3) No synergy
The RNG-element makes it hard to build the rest of the deck because many legendaries are more effective with combo cards to boost them. With Malchezaar you will end up having cards which won't fit with the rest of the deck and you will just get hand clogged with dead cards without the means to play them effectively. The reason Prince Malchezaar is a bad card sums into this:
4) Lack of consistency
In paper five additional legendaries sounds really good but in the end I've made up my conclusion that having five random legendaries is actually a bad thing. The reason lies in the classic case of RNG. You can never know which five cards Malche brings to the deck and that unfortunately makes it totally unrealiable. Because let's face it, most of the legendaries are not really so good and some are actually so bad that they actually give the advantage to your opponent and not you. In some rare cases you will get just the card you need to win the game but more often than not you will get cards that will eventually make you lose the game. Basically any other card brings more consistency to a deck than Prince Malchezaar.
Don't get me wrong, I actually enjoy casual games with Malchezaar for the RNG-effect and together with Reno Jackson and Elise Starseeker he tends to make decks fun and exciting to play. But if your' aim is to climb up ladder then Prince Malchezaar is just unfortunately too unreliable to have a place in any deck.
I thought this card would be one of the best legendaries, but it turns out, it isn't as effective as I thought. The five extra legendaries sometimes block out some key control cards you want to draw in your game, and sometimes the legendaries you get aren't game effecting.
The only times I saw this card being in use was a few mill rogues I went against, and all this card did was delay their fatigue for a turn. I quickly finished off the rogue really quickly using midrange hunter, and he didn't have any effect at all.
This card is pretty good in control warrior, but not exactly game-changing. It pairs up extremely well with Elise Starseeker, and will probably be used even more once she gets rotated out of standard format.
For now, this card isn't exactly the new best legendary in the game, but I think it will get better once the new standard format comes :).
I wonder how this guy runs in RenoLock
<script>// <![CDATA[ window.post_1477148071806_8 = function(win,msg){ win.postMessage(msg,"*"); } // ]]></script>He added both cards T.T
" When the game starts, add 5 extra turns to your game"
5 Random legendaries in your deck are just not that good. Considering the wide pool of legendaries, only very vew actually make it into competitive play. From my experience with the card the chance that it will make you draw crap legendaries when you need other cards from your actual deck.
Cool card.
Cool card but sadly can't rly be played at rank 15 and higher because any tempo, aggro deck will destroy the deck that contains it most of the time.
Adds steam
Nice stats
No duplicate nat paggles (Kaboom Golden Monkey!)
0 knowledge about what cards those are
Legendaries are mostly niche cards
Prevent you from drawing combo pieces/removal faster
Below average constructed card, one of the best arena minion cards.
This card is great in control Warrior that tends to go to fatigue a lot with other control decks and doesn't rely on drawing combos that much.
not bad,much funny with control deck,in warrior deck it works pretty well.but it doesn't fit the meta for now,let's see the next expansion pack,maybe it could be more useful.
i just craft a golden version,it's cool.
Just 93 seconds ago i crafted this epic beauty in gold. 3200 dust. Do not regret. Yolo.