Card Text
Put a copy of an enemy minion into your hand. It costs (1).
Flavor Text
"Are you interested in... HEALTH benefits?!"
Put a copy of an enemy minion into your hand. It costs (1).
"Are you interested in... HEALTH benefits?!"
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As a f2p myself I've used this card for some fun moments against friends! When they start throwing out all their expensive legendaries I get to copy em' and toss em' out myself.
Best use of Convert is when you follow it up immediately with Entomb. Why thank you for giving me two Yseras in one turn. So thoughtful of you.
How to use this card:
- Use it on tech cards (BGH, Harrison Jones, Ooze) that you've run out of or don't have
- Use it on big threats paired with removal, so instead of out-tempoing your opponent you out-value them later in the game
- Use it on strong battlecry minions so you can heal yourself when going up a mill deck by getting their Antique healbot, or take the opponents Northshire cleric with a Cabal Shadow Priest in a priest vs. priest matchup
- Use it on cards you don't have (because everyone forgets F2Players are a thing)
How NOT to use this card:
- Opponent plays 2 drop
-You convert it on turn 2, play it on turn 3
There is one interesting way to use this. Copy creatures with battlecry and play them outright.
This card is getting a lot of hate, and I can see why. People are looking at it the wrong way though. People are looking at it from a tempo point of view, and this card simply isn't made to be a tempo swing. That's all people seem to be looking for though.
Consider this in a control deck, you generally stall out the game until you can play your ragnoros or Dr. Boom or Ysera, at which point they use their BGH, or hex, or polymorph. Now the problem is you can only have 1 rag, or 1 ysera in your deck or whatever the case may be, so you traded their removal for your big creature. With this card you can copy a big minion, and still have enough mana leftover to hit it with your own removal. They use their removal on your ragnoros, you use yours on theirs: CONGRATS YOU HAVE ANOTHER ONE IN YOUR HAND!
Not to mention a lot of newer players don't have the power cards that older players do, this card lets them use things like that.
Example: lets say you have 6 mana and they've just played their emporer thaurissan. You spend 3 mana on shadow word death, and have 3 mana leftover, what are you going to spend it on, hero power? Instead of having that 2 health, you could have spent that mana on convert to add another emporer thaurisan in your hand. Totally worth. Especially when it comes down to control vs control, they will eventually run out of good options to deal with high health minions.
Pay two mana: Draw Dr.Boom
This card would be a bit too good at 1 mana. Compare to Tracking, where you pay 1 mana to get your pick of 3 cards. This can give you your pick of many more cards. You can choose exactly the card you want to draw based on the situation, if your opponent has it.
This card trades a LOT of tempo for a LOT of versatility based on the situation. I'd say it'd be pretty good in arena but not seen in constructed. Mana efficiency is more or less everything these days.
....if your opponent has it.
Best card vs zoo! copy fIame imp, so you can end stupid game faster!
This card must have cost 1 or even "0 with hidden from enemy animation" for some minor vaIue.
...I'd say it'd be pretty good in arena but not seen in constructed
This card worst on arena, pay 2 more mana for same enemy unit, its peace of shit.
Worst TGT card!
The only practical uses of this card I can think of are:
1. Copying a BGH and play it
2. Copying a silencer
3. Copying your opponent's Rag hoping yours will kill it
Problem what sort of decks will you want to slot this in and with what? So far I don't see any potential in this card....
Enemy pay 8 for rag, you pay 10 for copy and pIay it and have 50% to kiII, maybe better pay 10 mana for MC with 100% chance?
You trade a little mana efficiency for a little flexibility. I could see a place for this card. Rebuying a specific card sounds like a situationally interesting thing to do. On the other hand this is quite costly. I could see this as another good legendary hate card or a way to dodge sweepers and still have something useful to do as priest.
sleeper OP
It is a mindcontrol for Battlecry minions below 8 mana!
Except they get to keep their minion, so it's nothing like mind control
Very cool card, offers up a huge amount of possibilities.
Nice The Mistcaller you have there, I want one too. =D
Nice! Shaman pIay [card]The Mistcaller[/card] turn 6, you copy it and cant pIay same turn, Iose tempo and Iose game. Best card EU!
its 2 mana because what you get is a minion and not potentially a spell like the coin. You can compare it to mind vision. Wait, is this not random?