Kangor, Dancing King

Card Text
Deathrattle: Swap this with
a minion from your hand
and give it Lifesteal.
Flavor Text
After Dr. Boom's involvement with the League of EVIL, Kangor cut ties with the Boomsday Labs and began pursuing his true passion - DISCO!!!
Bad in it's current state, it needs rush or taunt to be efficient, right now, it's just 5 mana do nothing, that is vulnerable to silence and transform effects.
I wonder why no "Mech" tribe tag?
Even when Kangor was first introduced, with Crystalsmith Kangor , he wasn't a mech. His spell Kangor's Endless Army was RELATED to mechs, but that's about it. It could be argued that they could look at going back and updating those tribe associations though, if this one was truly lacking it.
Very insightful! Thank you!
I see Big Paladin potential. We just have to Duel you.