Hearthstone Lich King Mini Set - Return to Naxxramas - Launch Tuesday 14th Feb
Return to Naxxramas is the March of the Lich King Mini Set, revealed today with release date Tuesday, 14th of February 2023. Read on below for all the info and cards we know so far!
New Warlock Cards Revealed
PlayHearthstone on twitter just revealed some new Return to Naxxramas cards: Nofin's Imp-ossible and others.
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New Druid Cards Revealed
PlayHearthstone on twitter just revealed some new Return to Naxxramas cards: Life from Death and others.
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New Rogue Cards Revealed
PlayHearthstone on twitter just revealed some new Return to Naxxramas cards: Jolly Roger and others.
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New Shaman Cards Revealed
PlayHearthstone on twitter just revealed some new Return to Naxxramas cards: Frostfin Chomper and others.
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New Demon Hunter Cards Revealed
PlayHearthstone on twitter just revealed some new Return to Naxxramas cards: Calamity's Grasp and others.
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New Mage Cards Revealed
PlayHearthstone on twitter just revealed some new Return to Naxxramas cards: Whirlweaver and others.
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New Warrior Cards Revealed
PlayHearthstone on twitter just revealed some new Return to Naxxramas cards: Training Session and others.
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New Paladin Cards Revealed
PlayHearthstone on twitter just revealed some new Return to Naxxramas cards: The Purator and others.
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Why is the Purator not a Mech?
Blizzard answered this pressing question on twitter through Game Designer Leo Robles
Quote from BlizzardOld curator is wrong - it shouldve never been a Mech since Arcane Guardians/Golems arent mechs (see Arcsplitter in MotLK). Afaik we just never changed it since the card saw enough play where we didnt want to remove gameplay from it
UPDATE: Purator will become a Mech afterall, as tweeted by the same Game Designer in a follow up!
Quote from BlizzardSeveral ppl have pointed out that, while what ive said about The Curator/arcane guardians is true, The Purator/lightforged warframes ARE Mechs.... oops LOL
We'll look to fix this in a future patch and give it the Mech tag 👍
New Priest Cards Revealed
PlayHearthstone on twitter just revealed some new Return to Naxxramas cards: Cannibalize and others.
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New Hunter Cards Revealed
PlayHearthstone on twitter just revealed some new Return to Naxxramas cards: ZOMBEEEES!!! and others.
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Here you can see the upgraded secret generated by Beaststalker Tavish
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Beaststalker Tavish is not a new card!
New Neutral Cards Revealed
PlayHearthstone on twitter just revealed some new Return to Naxxramas cards: Thaddius Monstrosity and others.
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New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Rivendare Warrider
PCGamer just revealed a new March of the Lich King card: Rivendare Warrider
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New Death Knight Cards Revealed
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Quote from BlizzardAs the Battle for Silvermoon rages on, a massive shadow blots out the sun. To their horror, the Blood Elves see a floating necropolis, Naxxramas, approaching their fair city. This evil entity is unnatural, but something about it feels familiar. They brace themselves and call for help. This is the March of the Lich King Mini-Set, Return to Naxxramas!
Return to Naxxramas, launching worldwide on February 14, consists of 38 new cards: 4 Legendary cards, 1 Epic card, 17 Rare cards, and 16 Common cards. Those new cards can either be opened in March of the Lich King Packs or purchased as a complete 72-card set.* Normal versions of the Mini-Set can be purchased in-game only, for 2000 Gold or 1500 Runestones. The all-Golden version can be purchased for $69.99 or, for the first time ever, 10,000 Gold. The Golden Mini-Set option also includes a bonus Diamond Legendary!
* Includes one copy of each Legendary card and two copies of each other card.
Naxxramas Holds Untold Monstrosities
[Click on the image to enlarge it]
Return to Naxxramas unlocks Death Knight’s full potential with the class’s first Location and Colossal cards! But the Lich King isn’t the only one getting support. The Mini-Set also includes all-new Dual-Type minion creations, advanced synergies, and a terrifying new way to win the game! Check out the official Hearthstone Card Library for a full reveal calendar as the necropolis draws near.
Return to Naxxramas Card List & Mini Set Guide
Learn more and see all the cards in our dedicated Card List.
Safe your gold / money.
This set has 1 good legendary (purator). The rest of the leggos and epics will most likely not see play.
Simply craft the rare and common cards which are good and safe your gold for the next expansion.
This set is all over the place, Murlocs, Nagas, Pirates, Elementals, Mechs, Dragons......inside NAXX ??? A place full of UNDEAD ?? Hello ??
Also these cards are super boring and aren't changing any meta anytime soon.
I never thought that I will say this... but I'm skipping this mini-set.The cards are just boring/reprints, legendaries are very meh or usable only in a very specific archetype. I guess I'll just craft shaman spells and druid stuff and that's it. And maybe priest's spell for an otk with a gnome, cause it will be nerfed anyway. Disappointed, but +20 packs in the new expansion I guess
Agree. I mean, almost every single card is bad.
Uh Oh. Zombie pirates craving brains and treasure. Stay away from my pirateship!
Most cursed card goes to:
BTW: the hover images for Nofin's Imp-ossible and Suspicious Peddler point to the wrong cards.
Is it just me or are there a ton of reprinted cards in this mini set? Even more surprising is that some are actually weaker than their older versions printed very very long ago.
Suspicious Peddler > a worse Dark Peddler
Rake -> better Savagery
Ransack -> a worse vendetta
Cold Storage -> a massively better Seance / Moorabi without needing any combo
Blazing Transmutation -> Mutate but 1 mana more for discover, which can be good or bad, but wow does this feel like a lazily made card.
Training Session -> lazy improvement on I Know a Guy
The Purator -> I don't need to explain this one. A 2 mana discounted curator with the drawback of being pure only feels like a wasted spot for something interesting though.
Goldwing -> we just had Daring Drake printed. This thing is practically the same thing, and in most cases worse. Very confused why this was made.
Suspicious Peddler is clearly a callback, as are several other cards: ZOMBEEEES!!!, The Purator, Shambling Chow,
Blazing Transmutation doesn't feel lazy to me, it can be some kind of RNG removal.
For the other cards I agree with you.
There are 4000+ cards and only so many effects you can describe in less than 20 words, it's inevitable.
I agree to an extent, but Twichy is right: having over 4000 cards, for every new card you will inevitably find a somewhat similar old one, unless it has some crazy new mechanic.
If Lord Jaraxxas sees Mistake played, does he shout its name?
A Manathirst 11, when Wildheart Guff is rotating out in 2 months...
hope its a comon mistake blizzard doing all the time and they dont plan put guff to core or print similar card :D
Oh it's not foreshadowing anything. It's taking a baseball bat to your face, telling you that they're making new ones. The flavor text confirms as much.
maybe they will just print card like the priest legendary that was reducing corupt cards and now it will be reduce manathirst , i will take that just please no guff 2.0
That's no excuse for poor manners
Death beetle means Guff is going to core set.
I mean probably not, but Druid's for sure not having a mere ten mana for the years to come.
maybe a rare spell or something that increases max mana by 1 or 2 idk