New Card Reveals: Grimestreet Protector & Grimy Gadgeteer
Two new cards have been revealed this evening thanks to IGN AU and InvenGlobal!
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this card probably wont make the cut.
it's horrifying how much better mysterious challenger is.
Pretty weak. It's a ten mana combo that requires 2 minions out and only results in an 6/6 and a 9/9. Thee are better things to do.
time to dust off the ole Mass Dispel
i think its safe to say that paladin is currently winning this election
Feels too much win-more to me. The 4 cost 6/5+ on the other hand I think will be really solid. This minion in your hand stuff will play interesting with cards like C'Thun.
Win-more was my first thought as well. However, I think it can be useful on turn 9 for playing buffed up one-drops you drew from Small-Time Recruits while protecting them from trading and board clears.
maybe for a midrange paly, still a decent card
Give a minion in your hand: The Expansion
This faction is starting to worry me. People say that it's not that obviously powerful, which is what HS needs. More intricacy, more tinkering, more exploration. Except almost all of these hand-buffing cards have the second most obvious problem in HS stamped all over them. RNG. Look at the Gadgeteer. Looks like a dead card on turn 4 right? Won't get its effect off more than once. Except if it got randomly hit by one or two of your buffing cards that you played previously. If it doesn't and something else takes the buff instead, this card will suck, it will die immediately and you lose a bunch of tempo. But if it does, and you play this as 5/4 or even 6/5, it WILL live more than one turn. And then the deck just snowballs out of control (as if having a 4 mana 5/4 with effects that warrant immediate removal wasn't enough). All dependent on if it got hit by the buffing effect. Or on what this buffs in your hand when it triggers. Does it buff an on-curve card on 5? You're on your way to victory. Does it hit an 8 drop that your opponent was going to hex anyway? Well, too bad, you just played a 4/3 for 4 to get a 10/10 ragnaros.
There is so much RNG about how the Goons will curve out that you may have games when the deck is utterly toothless, and others where there is just no stopping the madness. You thought 7/7s for 4 that overload the player to 3 mana next turn were bad? Just wait till the Goons curvestomp you out of existence.
I really dislike how hearthstone is balanced by inconsistency. Cards that are just utterly broken like Ragnaros or Yogg if they go your way but can be a complete letdown and waste of investment if they don't. I'd rather cards were just consistently good or consistently bad, and have potential for the player to make them overperform or underperform based on skill and deckbuilding rather than have cards that, on average over say 100 games are just bad, ok or good, but in one the particular game you are playing may just win you the game on the spot because of diceroll when they lost you the game just one match ago for the same reason. If, on average, the Goons RNG hits the cards that help you win the game, it will be a deck. If the curve is too weak to allow for incosistency to determine the outcome, it won't. All based on a flip and the number of cards in your hand.
i dont know wut you saying and i dont want to read it but i vote up for you
Well, that's not quite what I was saying. I don't have an issue with these cards potentially making a strong curve deck happen. I do have an issue with the fact that some of these cards can get way out of hand, like uncontrollably, insanely out of hand if your RNG is good, or do practically nothing and lose you the game for playing them if your RNG is bad. Basically cards like the Gadgeteer, Rag, Yogg, Dr. Boom etc. have their effect overtuned in power level to compensate for being random. If you hit a streak of good RNG, they are borderline unstoppable. If you don't, they might suck. The margins are way too big. Winning or losing is significantly determined by your luck at that point, and you will keep playing the deck only as long as the RNG average over a season is good enough to reach a high rank. There is very little reward in skill and the deck's viability on ladder boils down to pure math of averages in RNG spikes.
Sorry to say that - but RNG was always a big Part of Hearthstone since the beginning.
Before hating I just recommend you to read this post until the end:
One of the things which differences a good from a bad player is to shut the RNG as best as you can or play with it the best way you can by diminishing bad outcomes. This will of course not always go to your favor but it has a really important and interesting thought in mind which is the following:
That said - i can explain for you one more time - as i did often before on this site - why RNG was included that way into Hearthstone:
Now you can Imagine a X-Y Coordinate System with the following design:
X-Coordinate is based on Intelligence and Skill ; the Y-Coordinate is based on Luck and RNG
Now there are 4 different kinds of Games:
1.Low X and Low Y - A game like "XXO" with a minimum of possible Playways and like no possible Luck included - you only have a little bit to play around with
2.Low X and High Y - i put games like "Monopoly" or even "Risk" at this point of the Coordinate System - games like this while having some Skill needed mostly depend on your luck like how the dice is running or sth. - at this point you mostly have very funny games for good evenings with friends
3. High X and Low Y - the most common way to describe a game like this is "Chess" - its very highly dependant on knowledge and Skill and theres like zero RNG and Luck(the only Luck you have is when your opponent makes mistakes)
One Problem a game like CHess has, is that you have like always the same thoughtways and players of even skill would mostly win because of who started the game or sth. This said - they very rarely have to think out of the box but always are looking for the best move to win the game. Thats why High level chess is taking sometimes hours and ages to get played
4. High X and High Y - Finally on the top right of the System you have a Game like Hearthstone:
You can find and explain the thought process behind a game design like here by looking at the weaknesses Nr. 2 and Nr. 3 have:
You want a game with Skill involved so you can make it somewhat competetive (like also chess is) but dont want to last games for hours and also you want do force the player to think out of the box by including RNG so they have to adapt fast but also on the most intellectual way they can
This is why RNG is so important: Games never feel the same - i guess everyone who played Hearthstone for a while knows this moments where you topdeck a card to win an almost lost game or where you have everything you needed but make a mistake and the opponents spots the one single way to win with a 50/50 coinflip with his ragnaros hitting your face or your minion.
The only thing we as players have to understand is that our homework we have to do is based on:
1. Card exploration and deck tinkering; 2.Game knowledge; 3. Situation handling; 4. spotting Coinflip situations; 5. and a little bit of luck
Greetings and good luck for everyone
~ Linklater ~
PS: If there is any question about the post feel free to ask
That argument does not hold water at all. It has been proven multiple times by multiple games over decades that you do not in any way need RNG to make every game different, force the player to think out of the box, not make the game drag out and reward both skill and knowing your outs as well as reward luck.
Luck is already inherently present in the card draw anyway, there is no need to aggravate the issue by additional layers of RNG. All RNG contributes is the moments when you know your outs and you get screwed over by a doomsayer popping out of the enemy Shredder or your Rag hitting the enemy 1/1 instead of face, and vice versa. The moments where you have exactly one out in a thousand different possibilities, you go for it and the coin flips the right way for you, and you feel rewarded. You could achieve the same by just knowing what you can draw and playing to your consistent gameplan against your opponent's consistent gameplan as best you can several turns ahead of time and being rewarded for playing it right.
Adding RNG for those clutch moments is not worth the price of sabotaging competitive or high level play by deciding entire games based on coin flips. That's like having a sport like football, except 1 out of 10 times the ball's bounce denies the laws of physics and goes in the opposite direction than it should. At that point, you cannot call it a competitive sport, and expect players at the high level who know every inch of the game by heart to not call you on your shit when they play perfectly, their opponent's outs are minimised to the utmost, and then a coin flip loses them the game on the spot. Either you have a serious competitive e-sport, or you have a crazy clown fiesta where anything can happen at any time. You can't have both and expect everyone to be ok with it.
i understand your hate - but as i wrote before - this is why hearthstone was designed this way - there was once a very major post about exactly that stuff i explained in the other post...
And to stay by your side - we all know that there is good and bad RNG in the game - even the DEVS learned from their mistakes and decided to incoorperate more of the good RNG - which is especially seen in the DISCOVER mechanic rather then the old shredder mechanic for example.
That is a very good point. I don't know but it look like, as you said, you will either win really good or lose
Grimestreet is pretty good...Me like
Grimestreet Protector will be such a horrible thing to deal with...
I understand that this is the Grimy Goons week but... I am too curious, give us some priest kisses, some mage love engage, some shaman flaming. some warlock hollyhock, some druid love fluid, some rogue sugar grog, PLEASE BLIZZ
Next Week will be mage warlock and priest or rogue druid and shaman