New Demon Hunter Legendary Card Revealed - Snake Eyes

Hearthstone Wiki just revealed a new Showdown in the Badlands card: Snake Eyes

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Hearthstone Dev Talks About Dice

Quote from Hearthstone

Rolling dice? In Hearthstone!? YEAH!

Early on in class design for Showdown in the Badlands, I set out on a mission to design a card that literally rolled dice. Why? Because rolling dice is COOL! It was also tricky to get right, and I wanna talk about why!

Dice rolling is essentially a cool way to showcase a random range of values or options. It's important for each value to feel different in gameplay. Otherwise, why did I even roll any dice at all?

The obvious idea was using that value as a scaled output, like Crackle. This idea has major issues that leaves both players feeling bad. The player is unhappy with anything other than a 6, and the opponent feels scammed with anything above a 1. We didn't even try this lol

A version we DID try was giving each outcome a unique effect, all at around the same power level. Playing it felt fine, BUT the card was essentially 7 cards in 1: Snake Eyes + 6 roll outcomes. When people saw it for the first time, they were more overwhelmed than excited.

With those things learned, I knew the outcomes had to feel different but share the same shape whie having little to no variance in power. I also really wanted the literal number rolled to be represented in the actual effect, to make the card easier to understand.

The solution: creating cards of different Costs in hand! Every card has a Cost value, letting us use the value rolled easily in the effect. And any random card in your hand is about as valuable as the next. But a 6-Cost card feels different from a 1-Cost card, and vice versa!

A version we tried for a long time was similar to the one we shipped, but it drew the cards from your deck. That is a HUGE ask for deck-building, and we didn't really like that this one card being in your deck meant "having to" run multiple 1-6 Cost cards.

Discover was even better than I had thought initially because of how different the outcomes became. If you roll two different faces, like a 2 and a 4, youll see SIX completely different cards to pick from - no repeats!

Oh, and the "doubles get a extra Discover" was just to add some dreamy spice to the card. Yes, it does kinda go against the previous point of trying not to have outputs of varied power-levels BUT it happens infrequently enough to not feel that problematic. And it's just COOL!

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