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    posted a message on Download to legend: 10 days!

    congratz on ur achievement mate ;)

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Maxima Go Brrr

    great guide, thank u for the effort u've put into it, appreciating this.

    Posted in: Maxima Go Brrr
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    posted a message on New Player Experience

    u haven't ruined anything, that's the regular experience a new player gets regardless of unlocking illidan or not. i tried to do an alt account some months back just to get the gala rogue free deck (f2p here, wanted to have fun by rng'ing the sh1t out of my games back in AoO) and didn't unlock DH at all, wanted to play rogue and lvl it up all the way (the free deck u get after ranking up the newbies ranks). gave up around lvl 20 or so cuz of the terrible grind and matchmaking (i was getting paired with full meta decks more often than with newbie decks). at 1 point i unlocked DH cuz it's starter's package is way better than anything else in the classic/basic set but in the end the meta decks and that looong a$$ grind was to much for me and i gave up. 


    so in short, the new player experience is horrific at best for this game...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on My (almost) complete guide to the achievements that offer XP

    worth a sticky, thanks OP <3

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 14

    posted a message on Blizzard's response to the whole system revamp

    credit goes to the reddit guy who posted this :


    thing is it's soo well written that i do hope the ppl who are responsible for this situation will realise their errors (i'm talking to u whales, it's ur willingness to give bli$$ ur money that brought us here)..



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Mega Bundles

    not sure, but i think it's just by watching the streamers, nothing special...just be there when they decide to make the giveaway...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on THE NEW REWARD SYSTEM IS NICE, BUT
    Quote from SudsyNutria06 >>
    Quote from KillJack >>
    Quote from SudsyNutria06 >>

    I don't disagree that the new system is an improvement, not hard to do when the old system was so poor and outdated for current Hearthstone. However, do they really need to make more money when in a year of record profit (2019) Activision Blizzard laid off nearly 800 employees? They have plenty of money. And it sure as hell isn't going to the average dev. 

     Yes they need to make more money. It’s a business not a charity.

    Stop crying. It’s how the world works.

     And perpetual financial growth is definitely a realistic goal. Sure. Allowing corporate greed like this will only fuck everyone over more in the long run. Good job defending a business that doesn't give a fuck about you ya corporate shill. 

     well said but sadly they just dont get it...like bli$$ is giving them crumbs  for quite the price (just look at all the new hero portraits for a simple, on hand example, really bad artwork and nothing else, no different hero power, no new lines, nothing) and they're at ur throat the next second u're trying to say smth :D

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Some of you don't deserve what you think you deserve
    Quote from Wrought >>

    God this is sad. The state of this community these days is pathetic. Remember in Rise of Shadows, when, out of the blue, blizz just updated the game, completely unprompted, buffing a bunch of old cards from Boomsday and adding in a FREE legendary for everyone? Not like Sathrovarr either, a free GOOD legendary, that fit into tons of decks. Yeah, I guess we just don't deserve that. We're all just simpering little piggies. We don't deserve to play good games unless we're willing to pay a hundred dollars for them every few months.

    I don't think I've ever seen a community whipped this bad. I guess everyone who can't afford such expensive opinions moved onto games they "deserve". What other community pays as much as people pay to play this game "competitively" and complains that people don't want to pay more? They should introduce a premium version of this game where I can pay even more to show those disgusting, sniveling, poor piles of crap how much less they deserve than me. We're in the middle of a pandemic that lost people their jobs, the global economy is in worse shape than ever, and blizz is hunkering down, making even less actual free to play content than they ever have, but no, the real problem is the poor little piggies who can't shell out as much money as you do.

    I have plenty of games I can be competitive in. The most I've "sacrificed" for it is 60 dollars. Lots of people can't even afford to "sacrifice" that much. Maybe when you complain about people not wanting to get scammed a hundred dollars a set for a game marketed towards children and designed to exploit people with gambling addictions, think about whether you actually "deserve" what you have, and no, I'm not just talking about your premium sparkly pixels. 

     to bad u dont have an audience able or wanting  to actually understand the point u make, well said tho and thanks for taking the time to write.. i stopped when i saw answers like : "it's logic that you have to pay. I really don't understand why people don't see the logic as clear as I do" :DDD or ppl who says completely  different things in the same post just to argue he didnt afterwards like OP did..

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Some of you don't deserve what you think you deserve

    there is truth in ur post but also alot of contradiction. even the title is acceptable just cause of the wide interpretation u can give to "some of you" lol.


    u start by saying : "the juxtapositioning of "I don't want to spend money" with "I want to be competitive."  These two philosophies simply do not go together." and finish up by saying : "So, in conclusion, if you don't want to put in the time OR the money, then what are you even complaining about? TL/DR:  You can't be competitive without sacrifice, so if you aren't sacrificing anything, stop complaining about it being unfair."


    even the example u're offering is biased (tennis is a very "restrictive" sport from the start cuz of its costs) and not entirely true cuz MOST of dem big athletes (not from tennis) are ppl who started from scratch and got to where are/were mostly cuz of lack of money ... money gives u, besides everything else, a little bit of insurrance, fallback mechanism so the mentality "succeed or go bust" is not there from the start. Also, true in sports and in HS, there's a difference in means and willingness (at least) depending where u're from. if a person is willing to pay 80$ x 3 times per year (lets say average) in the wealthier countries, that doesnt mean a person who doesnt have (or is not willing to pay) this kind of $ should be barred from playing/succeeding...

    u are right in saying "You can't be competitive without sacrifice, so if you aren't sacrificing anything, stop complaining about it being unfair", so what about them f2p's who're sacrificing their time for being able to generate the resources they need to stay competitive? this is the point of the complains, ppl who are putting in the time just to watch bli$$ not valuing it at all...


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Revamping Progression and Rewards
    Quote from TavernBob >>
    Quote from Slage >>

    I dont know what you guys are eating for dinner nor breakfast.

     Not hard to figure out what you've been eating.  Team 5 dick!!

    This is exactly the reason why they have changed the reward system.  So people who don't think too hard get all excited about the extra rewards they're going to get.

    Newsflash mate - it's less than 48hrs and they haven't even announced the cost of the Battle Pass, much less the structure of the rewards chain.  It's going to be a complete shit show.  If you think this developer is going to give away *more* stuff than it has had to in the past, you're deluded.  They'll dress their mutton up like lamb so the non-thinkers will eat it up while they pull the rug out from under your feet.

     true 100% and lol'ed hard, so ty :D

    Posted in: General Discussion
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