tried everything that's been written in this post, seems either it doesn't work anymore (for ios) or i'm dumb af :). can any1 shed some light into this?
with MT ironforge this last weekend i was curious to give libroom a go, see what the fuss was all about.
Dam, this deck feels like a meme..dunno, its very possible i'm playing it wrong, maybe i got unlucky matchups, maybe its just not up my alley, but definitely i felt it weak. Only thing the deck consistently has is card draw, u can cycle through ur deck fast enough (i had just 1 game where i couldn't find any draw engine out of the several the deck has) and u would think that's enough but almost all the time the pieces didn't fell right... board was constantly wiped by mage/locks opponents (there's not much of a board to begin with given that this deck can't really go wide and hope to stick with it's 1 health minions) and apm'ing the sh1t out of dem flingers for what seemed minuscule dmg at a time is really not for me i guess... also had the unpleasant surprise to see my flingers not being returned to the hand after playing a libram of judgment (can't recall if corrupted or no).
So ye, after admitting that more practice is needed to form an accurate opinion, i can't say i enjoyed my time with this deck (list was Floki's libroom pally), but gl & hf out there tho ;)
thought of getting a few pts on my road to hit 1k wins with my DH last night so i queued the otk list for some quick matches... 5 times in a row queued into secret mage (wild btw), like come on ffs, u can say w/e u want, but i'm more than convinced by now of the "randomness" of HS. every1 is free to have their own opinions, mine is that deff there are patterns into the claimed "rng"...
Battletag: fury#2931Region: EUTrade only?: Yes, You go first0
Battletag: Fury#2931
Region: EU
Trade only?: Yes, you go first.
Battletag: Fury#2931
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first
done ty
congratz on ur achievement mate ;)
tried everything that's been written in this post, seems either it doesn't work anymore (for ios) or i'm dumb af :). can any1 shed some light into this?
Battletag: Fury#2931Region: NATrade only? : yes, you go first.done
with MT ironforge this last weekend i was curious to give libroom a go, see what the fuss was all about.
Dam, this deck feels like a meme..dunno, its very possible i'm playing it wrong, maybe i got unlucky matchups, maybe its just not up my alley, but definitely i felt it weak. Only thing the deck consistently has is card draw, u can cycle through ur deck fast enough (i had just 1 game where i couldn't find any draw engine out of the several the deck has) and u would think that's enough but almost all the time the pieces didn't fell right... board was constantly wiped by mage/locks opponents (there's not much of a board to begin with given that this deck can't really go wide and hope to stick with it's 1 health minions) and apm'ing the sh1t out of dem flingers for what seemed minuscule dmg at a time is really not for me i guess... also had the unpleasant surprise to see my flingers not being returned to the hand after playing a libram of judgment (can't recall if corrupted or no).
So ye, after admitting that more practice is needed to form an accurate opinion, i can't say i enjoyed my time with this deck (list was Floki's libroom pally), but gl & hf out there tho ;)
thought of getting a few pts on my road to hit 1k wins with my DH last night so i queued the otk list for some quick matches... 5 times in a row queued into secret mage (wild btw), like come on ffs, u can say w/e u want, but i'm more than convinced by now of the "randomness" of HS. every1 is free to have their own opinions, mine is that deff there are patterns into the claimed "rng"...
Battletag : fury#2931Region : EUTrade Only?: Yes, you go first. I can show quest.done, thanks amirezpolish.
Battletag : fury#2931
Region : EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first. I can show quest.