i like the idea of this deck, but honestly its a bit too slow. i had therazane die x3, and had some big minions. however, the draw was slow and to get combo's off took too much time. played a couple times with your version and a couple times with my tweaks (which i'm not saying were the best), but the result was the same. it either fizzle's out against good control or isn't fast enough against aggro decks.
i just went against this deck and thought WTF just happened.
i like the idea of this deck, but honestly its a bit too slow. i had therazane die x3, and had some big minions. however, the draw was slow and to get combo's off took too much time. played a couple times with your version and a couple times with my tweaks (which i'm not saying were the best), but the result was the same. it either fizzle's out against good control or isn't fast enough against aggro decks.
i dropped: Fan Club x2, False Disciple x2, Hidden Gem x1, Luminous Geode x2, Twilight Torrent x1, Grace of the Highfather x1, Glowstone Gyreworm x1, Lightsteed x1, Lightshower Elemental x2, Shale Spider x2, Stone Drake x1.
I added: cicle of healing x2, glacial share x2, Kindling Elemental x2, Northshire Cleric x2, Radiant Elemental x2, Gift of Luminance x2, Flame Revenant x2
I am considering a Wild Pyromancer as well.
# 2x (0) Circle of Healing
# 2x (1) Glacial Shard
# 2x (1) Kindling Elemental
# 2x (1) Northshire Cleric
# 2x (1) Renew
# 2x (1) Shard of the Naaru
# 2x (2) Flame Revenant
# 1x (2) Hidden Gem
# 2x (2) Mana Geode
# 2x (2) Power Chord: Synchronize
# 2x (2) Radiant Elemental
# 2x (3) Gift of Luminance
# 2x (4) Ambient Lightspawn
# 1x (4) Glowstone Gyreworm
# 2x (5) Shattered Reflections
# 1x (6) Stone Drake
# 1x (7) Therazane
probably so it can't be drawn using cards that go find holy and shadow spells. guarantees they won't have it turn nine unless drawn normally.