Well, gotta admit it's not the best. Not even close to Big Priest. Also I've already swapped out Kel'Thuzad since he's horrible to get from Barnes. I'd put in Rag Lightlord, but I don't have him. Sad thing, Rag pulled from Duel doesn't attack because it's a "can't attack" minion :( Anyway, if it works, it does well. Keep your hopes up to get Sylv from Barnes against Big Priest.
It causes disconnects.
I'm eating a shoe if this turns out to be gamebreaking
Great guess
From what it looks like it doesn't have Ramp at all except Biology Project which kinda helps the opponent a lot. Gonna try it out now.
Really cool and flavorful cards. Love them all!
Well, gotta admit it's not the best. Not even close to Big Priest. Also I've already swapped out Kel'Thuzad since he's horrible to get from Barnes. I'd put in Rag Lightlord, but I don't have him. Sad thing, Rag pulled from Duel doesn't attack because it's a "can't attack" minion :( Anyway, if it works, it does well. Keep your hopes up to get Sylv from Barnes against Big Priest.
I put in Spider Bomb because I don't own Shawn and it works wonders.
Yep .Check out the hearthstone reddit page. With the minion that triggers end of turn effects an additional time.. well lol. 5+ turns
Sylvanas is not amused
Also Year of the Kraken only had its theme in Old Gods...
Why not?
Whoops, I'm stupid
Murmuring Elemental and this turn 10 in Wild ;D
Well it's quite obvious it doesn't fit in every Druid deck o.O
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