What an utter horseshit brawl.
- theremon
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heyyon posted a message on The Burndown is This Week's Tavern BrawlPosted in: News -
Morv posted a message on The HearthPwn Tavern Is Closing Its DoorsPosted in: Newsfeel like my wife just left me
therealflyingtoastr posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 9.16 - Submission TopicPosted in: Fan CreationsThis card is a result of combining three different dragon Paladin themes without expressly confining it to a dragon deck.
The Bronze dragonflight has been associated with Paladins in the past, and their magic in Warcraft lore centers around temporal manipulation. This was seen with Consort back in the Blackrock days, which reduced the cost of future dragons, though the recent Paladin dragon cards have moved away from the theme. However the theme of looking at card costs is a good one for the Bronze flight and should be carried forward.
Paladins are also notable for having very conditional and generally inefficient draw cards instead of the more straightforward cards that other classes have.
Finally, Dragons tend to be large minions.
All together, this card draws a minion inefficiently from the deck, checks the mana cost, and summons it if it is a large minion. It's obviously not going to fit in most decks, but it's thematic for a dragon Paladin deck and may also work in some kind of "Big Paladin."
kiwi3104 posted a message on [TOP 250 LEGEND] Dragon Shadowform PriestPosted in: [TOP 250 LEGEND] Dragon Shadowform PriestTry out clockwork automaton and blackwald pixie here =)
Almaniarra posted a message on Dr. Boom's Ignoblegarden Has Begun! Free Packs, Cards, Tavern BrawlPosted in: Newslol me too ! that was weird.
xanzan1 posted a message on Dr. Boom's Ignoblegarden Has Begun! Free Packs, Cards, Tavern BrawlPosted in: NewsHuh. Got Kangor's Endless Army in my free pack.
Pneumoniac posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 9.13 - Submission TopicPosted in: Fan Creations -
Shrinkkk posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 9.13 - Submission TopicPosted in: Fan Creations -
Dillerion posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 9.13 - Submission TopicPosted in: Fan Creations -
Heroboticus posted a message on Streamer RoS Preview - Is this a good thing?Posted in: General DiscussionSo hear me out...
Giving a select few streamers early access to the latest expansion is leaving a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth. I feel like they're taking that initial experimentation we all get on release day (finding out cards we hyped are actually trash and vice versa) and giving it to a select few.
I understand this won't be the new meta entirely, but it's on the path towards it - It's the pros and the streamers that tend to build the foundations of the decks we'll all be using in a month or so.
I know I don't have to watch it, and I can't say it's not enjoyable seeing the new cards in play, it just feels like the hearthstone community is being deprived of that day 1 unpredictably and experimentation.
Could be just me though!
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Like a million people before already stated, it's because this one is rotating alongside with Witchwood, while Witch's Brew won't.
I put in Spider Bomb because I don't own Shawn and it works wonders.
Sylvanas is not amused
Why not?
Murmuring Elemental and this turn 10 in Wild ;D
I don't think Treant is a tribe.
So that Hagatha's "Totemic Might" isn't completely useless I guess
You must be new here
I like to imagine that that's what Gastropod would be saying
You don't have to play it.. it's combo disruption which is great