Deathrattle Hunter RoS
- Last updated Apr 14, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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- 16 Minions
- 13 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: N'Zoth Hunter
- Crafting Cost: 15460
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/14/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
- danehearth
- Registered User
- 3
- 33
- 19
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Contains 5 new card from RoS all interact well with the old list of mechs.
Shawn is clearly the win condition. You should craft him. Find yourself a nice woman and treat her right. You should get to know her family and make sure everything is going to be a good fit. Then one day you decide that you just can't live without this woman. She's incredible, she brightens up your day, you guys have had nothing but amazing times since the beginning. You head over to her parents house to ask for their blessing, and they welcome you with open arms. Then you plan "the day". You take her to her favorite restaurant, give the ring to the waiter, you all enjoy a nice dinner and then for desert he brings the ring. SHE SAYS YES! Congratulations! You guys spend the first few years of your marriage touring the world, enjoy life with just the two of you, both get good jobs. And then one day you decide you'd like to start having kids. The first couple of times didn't work out for whatever reason. But, then....OH THEN, She tells you shes pregnant! Buuuuuut it's a girl, you have the little girl, name her Sarah. She's the best baby ever. Then a year later you decide to try again. This time around it's a boy! You are beyond have the biggest baby shower ever, get TONS of presents....someone buys you a new house and car just for fun. Then the day finally comes, you rush to the hospital and have your son. You name him Shawn. After your son, Shawn, is born. You rush home....reach for your dusty laptop underneath the hearthstone....and at finish crafting this deck only to find out that it is completely obsolete.
A touching tale. Might I propose one edit? "Desert" is a barren area of landscape. "Dessert" is the sweet ending to that nice dinner. Remember: You'll want more of your mother's [Insert signature dessert recipe], therefore you choose the version of the word that contains more of the letter 's'. Hope this helps.
funny to see someone coming up with around the same deckbuild but with mechs, this deck is good.
but why corpse widow and why masters call if there is stitched tracker?
better for barnes
Yea, it might actually be EVEN a little too ODD.
why the 2 mad scientists?
Agreed, 2 scientists for just 3 secrets seems odd.
How about a Lich King and second Unleash the Hounds. Or Zilliax for synergy.
Replacement for Dr. Boom and Dreadscale?
I put in Spider Bomb because I don't own Shawn and it works wonders.