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    posted a message on Priest Death Knight Revealed: Shadowreaper Anduin

    With Raza this is basically just "Deal 2 damage" whenever your turn starts and whenever you play a card. If you use Lyra in your deck, you can spam through spells at such a speed that this might be terrifying... Just requires you to have a Kazakus deck. Also mass Shadow Word Death as soon as it comes out is pretty nice while you play against anything other than aggro... I quite like this card.

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    posted a message on Class Development and Discussion Thread!! EVERYONE GET IN HERE!!!

    Right, so I kind of went on a break, cause I have work to do, but I'm finding more time for myself right now. In other words, I'm back. Today, I began work on one of my other classes, the Yokai, and I've decided to finish my King Class. I will finish up on the most recent Vamp and Wizard sets sometime soon, I'm just determining where I'm going with Thralls and non-Spellcraft Wizard cards... Anyway...

                                                                                                   The King!


    Anyway, so the actual Un'Goro cards themselves will be inside the spoiler down below.

    Note, the Heroes Gateway originally had a spell that summoned it but I can't find the image... Just gimme a bit to find it. Other than that, the theme of the set is that The King is on a full on expedition, and there will be an emphasis on exploring for cards, specifically ones you stick in your deck yourself. The legendary, for example, will allow you to fetch Adapted Legendaries from Fluorescent Scout, your Un'Goro Packs and anything that Nimble Lookout put in your deck. Also, Captain Erandruun, my WotOG legendary, has his own little adventure, so this card can be helpful in speeding through that as well. Research Notes is this sets Dispatch/Pompous Noble/Tuskarr Spearman, however, unlike the other ones, there's a point at which you probably want to play this, else it might draw a little bit much. With the help of Hit and Run, the upgraded hero power and Ideologies, this can draw, like, 20 cards.

    Finally, the quest is designed for fun rather than function. I've made a point not to make the Epic/Legendary archetypes TOO functional, as even if it's not real, that's blatant p2w. As such, the reward works inconsistently, though it can crush opponents.

    Feedback is appreciated, and I'll try and fit the rest of my class into a post later on, to provide more context to people who didn't look at it during the class comp.

    Additionally, my new class, the Yokai!

    The two main focuses of the class are card costs and attacks. Each expansion, a different Legendary Demon, a representative of one of the seven deadly sins, will come into power. Then all the cards will be based on their sin, which will usually have something to do with attacking or card costs. Basic and Classic have Wrath, Naxx and GVG have Envy, BRM and TGT have Pride, LoE and WotOG have Greed, JtUG has Gluttony.



    Wrath is the theme of Classic. Get demons, get the demons to punch things, demons see the things being punched and punch harder, make the enemy punch things, watch those enemies kill themselves against your minions due to taunts, hellraisers and awakened minions. Watch the opponent hero be forced into hitting your Wrath Infernal due to Satans influence. Draw like 200 cards through the process.

    Or at least, that's the idea.

    Goblins vs Gnomes:

    With the goblins and gnomes being so competitive and the mechs being so hit or miss as failures or successes, there's plenty of envy and jealousy in the air. So much so, that its attracted the Leviathan. And the Leviathan is going to reward you for absolutely hating your opponents big cards. If you run big cards though, it could backfire... Unless you use big minions with low costs, like the Jealous Cacodemon.

    The Grand Tournament:

    In the grand tournament, it feels like all the pride, confidence and arrogance in the world has been all squished into one small arena, and Lucifer loves it. By running big expensive minions, you can beat out your opponents in jousts constantly, and reliably hit big boy cards like Pride. Also, provided your opponent doesn't make anything bigger, Lucifer can provide huge value by healing himself up every turn, or maybe he could even heal someone bigger than him.

    Whispers of the Old Gods:

    You just finished an adventure where you risked your life to get ALL the gold, and now its time for an expansion where 10 cost Old Gods reign supreme. Sounding a little bit greedy now, aren't you? Not that Mammon has a problem with that, he thrives off greed. In Whispers of the Old Gods, get ready for some card duplication here and there to get yourself more and more greed cards, old gods, whatever you want.

    Mean Streets of Gadgetzan:

    The Yokai will be siding with a borderline prostitution gang in MSoG, earning Asmodeus' attention. Get ready for more attack synergies, though these ones will be more focused on charming enemy minions than just attacking everything for the sake of attacking everything.

    Journey to Un'Goro:

    Gluttony rewards you for staying full, and provides you with the food to make sure you stay in that position. And where would Gluttony fit in more than an expansion about the biggest and hungriest creatures to walk the Earth? No where, that's where. Also making a second appearance, it's ya boi, the big S. He's even more angry than he was before. If you can show your dedication to wrath by making all the enemies stuff boil with anger, he will show you true power, by killing off the entire enemy board (hopefully) and hitting the enemies face for 8.

    Belphegor, repesentative of Sloth, will be making the next appearance, in whatever the next expansion is.



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    posted a message on Class Development and Discussion Thread!! EVERYONE GET IN HERE!!!
    Quote from AcidicDelta >>

    i dont know what class should i make i really would love to make my own full custom class but i dont know much about world of warcraft characters and lore, i dont know can you maybe be help me create a custom class and like the design lore and other stuff.

    For my next... However many classes I'll be using this wheel that I made, out of the different classes from the game of Bravely Default and Second. You don't need to use it, but if you're out of ideas consider using it and having a go at making the class you random. Or you could just pick one. Any way, any class from any game ever is a pretty legitimate thing to go for, be it a Dancer, a Spellsword, a Chemist or even a Chef.
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    posted a message on [Class Concept] Death Knight v1.2

    I had no idea you had became active again, it was your Bard class that made me begin making cards. Naturally, that means my expectations for this class are pretty high. I think the overall idea behind the class, with the runes, death, spells, weapons and armor are well implemented. Obviously, all others who make Death Knight classes utilise all those themes, but I don't think any of them have seemed as interesting. The "Next time you cast a spell" mechanic is quite cool, though I think it should have been implemented into the class somewhere in the classic set at least. Undead spam, weapons, armor are all fine, I think they're pretty cool. The runes forming different archetypes is a very nice idea. Even though you didn't exactly come up with it, most other Death Knight classes I've seen have just kind of added the runes in, and then put everything into a death focus. With your class, I can see a very good amount of Frost, Undead and Spell synergy cards, representing the different types of Death Knight.

    As for individual cards, I want to start off by saying I didn't see anything here that was obviously too strong. I would also like to say I really like the ideas of some of them, particularly Frozen Fanatic. I'll talk in more detail in the cards you wanted feedback on in this spoiler.

    Unstable Abomination: This card costs 5, has a 4 cost body, and has a deathrattle effect that should likely be valued at 3, if Arcane Missiles and Avenging Wrath is anything to go off of. The deathrattle itself deducts mana from the overall cost from it, and I think that quite a bit can be taken off the cost seeing as the effect is so much weaker as a deathrattle in comparison to something like a Loot Horder, it's easy to play around. So, saying that you take 1 mana or so off the effect for being a deathrattle, this is still probably worth around 5 and a half to 6 mana. I think it could do with maybe 1 less health. It's kinda hard to judge though.

    March of the Damned: It certainly seems weak by itself. That said, the synergies with things like Eternal Service and Death triggered cards are huge. I think it should be balanced.

    Darion Mograine: Since this doesn't have an immediate impact and the effect of the weapon will often be irrelevant, I don't think it's overpowered. Aggro opponents will be able to burst you down for playing it as it does nothing, Control opponents will usually delay their game plan, as you are forced to not attack with the final charge, ruining your weapons and hero power. At the same time, the card has excellent value and can save your life.... I think it should be just about balanced.

    Teron Gorefiend: This seems way too strong. I'm not saying Reckless Rocketeer is a good card, but this is just TOO much better than it. With a few tokens, which your class has a lot of, you can turn this 6 drop into a board wipe, and is decent even without any immediate impact, as it forces your opponent to deal with all of your tokens before it. Maybe go with a slightly higher cost?

    Horn of Winter: Three 2/2's for 5 is the standard, but you attach a mark of the lotus onto your next spell for an extra mana... I think that's alright. Mark of the Lotus doesn't come with any other effects meaning it's completely reliant on other cards to do work, which is what makes it so cheap. This card does come with tokens, but the initial cost is increased and it's hard to activate the buff on the same turn, so even though you're getting 18 total stats, it should be alright. It does beg a question that you've probably already got written somewhere on the page however. That is, does the activation of the secondary effect trigger AFTER the second spell resolves or BEFORE? This is incredibly relevant because 90% of the time this is going to be followed up with Unholy Rune.

    Gathering Storm: I think this card shouldn't be overpowered, but it's definately strong. Comparing this card to Shiv, you get a draw effect for 1.5 mana worth of the card, and then you get a 0.5 mana effect, thus an effect that you would see standalone on a 0 mana card, such as Moonfire. This is consistent with that idea, because dealing 2 damage randomly should be about the same as dealing 1 damage targeted, and adding a short delay onto the card merits a slight increase in damage, namely 3. That said, dealing 3 damage, even if randomly, can still be much more impactful than 1, so this could be quite worrying. The card itself is cool, though it's a little wordy for a common.

    Vrykul Icebringer: Probably too strong. He's only going to draw a maximum of 1 card per turn, I get that, but that effect is still pretty strong for his cost. Gaining a card for a trigger that's not TOO hard to meet should merit at least a stat point. Maybe make him a 2/4?

    Thing in the Ice: Ah, is that a MTG card I spot? This is an excellent card, as it brings to the table what many people building control decks forget to include; A win condition. It does it in a way that is hard to activate, requiring cards from the Frost Death Knight archetype to work, but tears opponents apart. If your opponent can't answer this with spells, you can follow this up with a Remorseless Winter and maybe a Shatterstrike, and the downside of those cards, hitting your own stuff, will be severely reduced. It's too hard to use to be overpowered, but that minions too big and fits too well into the archetype to be underpowered.

    Runic War Axe: The effect on the weapon is worth almost 2 mana, but not quite. As a Deathrattle and having it be further delayed by the spell delay heavily pushes the cost down. It's definately got great value, but it isn't too strong. I like the card.

    Scourgelord Tyrannus: This is pretty strong right off the bat. A 3/2 that summons a 1 drop for 3 is pretty good. This can be much more powerful if combined with undead tokens, but I think it doesn't upscale hard enough for it to be too strong, and it's easily removed. It's a nice legendary. That said, you know your Raging Ghouls... Do they die before or after Rimefang triggers? That's pretty important for understanding what you should be doing with the card.

    Frozen Fanatic: I don't know why I love this card so much. Insane buffs for your C'thun in exchange for delaying its actual attacks is something I am very happy with, whatever the reason. I am going to probably use a detrimental C'thun card in one of my classes now, you've inspired me greatly. I think it could possibly be stronger however. You're already paying for the big buff by Freezing C'Thun, so I don't see why having lower stats is necessary. Consider that Beckoner of Evil gives half the buff without Freezing C'Thun and has no cuts to their stats. Also, having a 4 mana Battlecry C'Thun buffer is kinda bad when you already have C'Thuns Chosen. I love the effect, but I think a different mana cost and stat allocation wouldn't hurt the card.

    Ebon Queen: I think this should maybe be weaker. As it stands, the opponent has to use a minimum of 3 attacks to take down the minion, though 2 of them won't return damage. This makes it easy to trade into, so it's bad when you're behind. That said, if your opponent twisting nethers and you drop this... They might be in a pickle. In fact, they might be in too much of a pickle for this to be reasonable. The problem is, although it's a win more card, it's a very oppressive win more card. This will get to freely trade into everything your opponent plays if you take the advantage for even a turn, and then the game will be set in stone. Maybe you could make something else?

    The Omega Rune: Making a good quest is hard... That said, this quest is pretty good. It meets the quota of forcing the player into 1 archetype, the quest itself is reasonable, not too hard, not too easy, and the reward immediately comes off as too strong until you consider the situation you'll be in when you complete this, and how it might not work with what you're trying all the time. Once you complete this, you'll have exhausted 8 of the total runes that you can get out of your deck. This means its spell boost effect can be very strong reasonably, as you're not going to have quite as many cheap spells. In addition, it's easy for your opponent to play around it, such as by simply playing Paladin or Shaman, or just having tiny cards in general. Finally, using a removal spell can be pretty wasted if the effect triggers before the spell. Say you Blood Rune, targeting a Vicious Fledgeling. The effect triggers and kills the vicious fledgeling. The spell itself basically just did 3 damage to your hero and nothing else. If the effect triggers after the spell, I don't think this needs a buff... Too much. All things considered, destroying 5 things really isn't that big a deal a lot of the time when it's random. Having such a temporary effect, only 5 spells, be potentially pretty weak is probably not great. I'm not sure what to make of it.

    Crater Cultist: Aside from missing the "a" in "Next time you cast a spell", I think this is too strong. You're guarenteed the card, but it's delayed, so to have 3 stats for 2 mana is already making the card pretty decent. Adding a discount like that is probably pushing the card too far, as the discount can be pretty darn impactful. I'd suggest a nerf.

    The Kabal: ...I don't like this class being in the Kabal. The Kabal are the triclass for the 3 casters. I get that Death Knights are essentially rune/magic knights that you can see in other games, but they still use swords and armor, they just don't really fit as much. In addition, the potions of the classes are designed to kinda show off some of the core concepts of the 3 classes it belongs to, so Healing, Attack interaction and Mind Control for Priest, Freeze, Damage and Secrets for Mage and Demons, Self harm and Power at a cost. The 3 main concepts of the Death Knight would have to be Blood, Unholy and Frost, but the thing is, we already have a tribal potion, a frost potion and a healing potion, so all you really have is a potion based on death, which is exactly what you want, but then you have a potion for undead and a potion for... Disease? I get the way you've tried to go about this is to make a potion for death, one for undead and one for the rune specialisations, but I have to say that they just don't fit. Diseases are a thing that weren't previously in the class, and didn't make any return after, which conflicts with the idea of Gadgetzan, which focuses on boosting certain archetypes the classes already have and then gives each one a new archetype corresponding to their respective gang. Introducing a new non-gang archetype based on a new mechanic is really weird, it just doesn't fit. But aside from the diseases, the Scourge Potion is... It's just so bad. Like, I don't want to be insulting, but the potions were made potions with Kabal Chemist in mind. Notice how Mage, Warlock and Priest have ABSOLUTELY nothing to gain from making their minions undead, and will likely only have Sylvanus as a buff target in their deck. I already wanted to punch myself in face whenever I got a Bloodfury Potion, but at least that did SOMETHING. Even in the Death Knight class, it's so pointless, because undead decks usually want their minions to die, which makes buffing counterproductive, and making a minion undead is also pointless because you'd probably just want to run an undead minion instead of it. Sure Priests and Mages gain very little out of the Bloodfury Potion, but the Bloodfury Potion is made valuable to each of them with the Kazakus potion both able to summon demons and to add demons to your hand. Also, Kazakus potions can have recursion effects. That might be fine for the 3 other classes, but a class with so many tokens probably won't be getting much benefit out of them.

    Overall, I have more problems with your Mean Streets of Gadgetzan set than the rest of the entirety of your class, which I think has been very well made. Nice work.

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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.16 - Final Poll
    Quote from nurgling13 >>
    Quote from Livienna >>

    oh for crying out loud. xD the card won, let's move on. Some people voted for it based on the effect, some people voted for it based on the effect/flavor combo. It is what it is. Clearly nobravery did some research to find a good character to match the effect. Whatever, I do that all the time since I'm not a walking WoWpedia. I don't fault them for that.

    my takeaway from all this?




    eta: MistAssassin, you can be reported for using that kind of aggressive, offensive language. can't believe you edited your post to add it. I advise that you undo it.

    Rather than move on, we should fix the contests so that people stop winning because they chose a popular character or WoW pet for their card. We know that people vote for cards specifically because it's one of their favorite cards, regardless of the design. People have admitted it in these threads before.
    You bashed the card claiming that the effect was just randomly slapped onto a famous figure from WoW, then everyone explained how the guy was perfect for a stitched card due to his past, and that the effect is perfect for his actual ability. The ability itself is interesting in that it takes the core of the two classes, the hero powers, and it managed to find a correlation between the two, the random element, and then took the guys ability to see the future and applied it to the card. Even if the ability was pre-determined before the figure itself, that figure fit too well to pass up.
    In spite of this already being explained, you still say that the reason it won is because the character is Ner'Zhul. Not that the effect is cool, which various people agree on, but because he's famous. And most people aren't going to vote JUST because it's Ner'Zhul, if the effect isn't good, people won't like it. I didn't even know who he was until today and I still would have voted for him, but of course, that must be me just trying to convince myself that it's the best one there after seeing the orange gemstone in the center of the card, not because the effect is actually well implemented and designed. Another travesty in which a competition has been smashed into the ground because a legendary card was featured, immediately making everyone judging stop caring about the effect and flock to it.
    I mean, it's either that or you're just using its legendary status as an excuse to completely undermine the effort put into the card, because there was absolutely no way in hell that nobravery has even a slight idea about what they're doing, and the card DEFINATELY would have lost without it being a figure in a game that half of the people here don't even play. Especially since Arrow of Polymorph, the holy grail of card design was unanimously agreed to be the best card out of all of these regardless of the many people saying they didn't like the unreliable effect or the flavour, was so close to winning.
    Both the cards are good. Ner'Zhul was the one that won. But you prefer one over the other and the world is ending. How sad.
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    posted a message on Class Development and Discussion Thread!! EVERYONE GET IN HERE!!!


    I understand I have yet to see the classic set, but this changes nothing. The classes themes and mechanics shouldn't be seperated by the sets, there should be a balance of them in the basic, a balance of them in classic, a balance of them in the next set, so on and so forth, you shouldn't make every single card in your basic set a damage spell or a spell damage card... Barring Exile. At the moment, this is just feeling like a mage which is only running Soot Spewers and Fireballs, and I imagine it would play the same way. Of course, the classic set could contain the most creative and amazing cards ever seen, but the basic set is simply flawed. I think the way to correctly build a class is to come up with the themes first, and then just spread it out, and this is very clustered right now.

    Also, spell manipulation sounds tempting, but you stay away from my Wizard class alright mate I have made spell manipulation my own personal property and no one else is allowed to use it how dare you even suggest that you'd introduce the manipulation of spells into your class I mean you already have spell damage like come on now  you're totally ripping off my idea like wow what even is punctuation.

    jk, I think spell manipulation makes sense for your class, though you'll still probably need a couple more themes than that. Depends on how you want to do Spell Manipulation really, there's lots of ways, though you'll have to make it very distinct from spell damage.

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    posted a message on Class Development and Discussion Thread!! EVERYONE GET IN HERE!!!

    I am amused by this, and at the same time, I want to include this in a Y'Shaarj deck, to see if it works like I planned.

    And also, Turkeybag, your class looks interesting, but I'm confused by the droids. Since they don't really do anything on the board, I don't see much purpose in fetching them with Classy AI, and while the second droids effect is pretty handy in increasing deck consistency sorta, the other one seems like it doesn't really have much purpose.

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    posted a message on Class Development and Discussion Thread!! EVERYONE GET IN HERE!!!

    I span the wheel a couple times rather than just once, dunno why, just chose to, but the three options that came up were Vampire, Summoner and Red Mage. If you aren't interested in what I'm doing here or don't like any of the classes in general, feel free to ignore, don't mean to annoy.

    If I were to work on vampire, his main trait would be his copying skills. Vampires in Bravely Default are very similar to Blue Mages, if you know what they are. They're kinda versatile, all around type, with the ability to copy the skills of those they fight, adapting their abilities. Also, he has a few signature vampire things like life drain and charm.

    Summoners summon powerful creatures that have an immediate powerful effect, which in-game is what they use for their spells. This gave me the idea of using something similar to my previous idea called Empower. Invoke, the new mechanic, allows you to play the card even if you don't have enough to pay for its full mana cost, but it will immediately die upon doing so, only having time to throw out a battlecry or something. There's also mana conversion, which will allow you to act kinda like a warlock, but focusing on mana advantage rather than card advantage.

    Red Mage is one that I like but probably won't do right now. Red Mages are very versatile, they aren't too squishy, they can hit pretty hard with weapons, they have supportive spells and damage spells, but they aren't experts in any of those things. They are an expert in gaining and burning up a recourse called BP, in the original game. BP is used up for each action you make, and you gain one each turn, limiting you to an attack a turn. These guys can gain more from things like taking damage, dodging attacks, taking status effects and such, and then they can use it all on a bunch of burst healing and damage. Their In the Red skill causes them to do more damage if they decide to spend a turn burning a bunch of their recourses in one turn.

    Not sure which one of these classes I want to work on for the next however long, any ideas?

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    posted a message on Class Development and Discussion Thread!! EVERYONE GET IN HERE!!!
    Quote from Livienna >>
    Survey - How about "Draw a card for each enemy minion on the battlefield"? might rename it "Surveillance", as in she's doing recon on the enemy/gathering info. What mana cost would you do for that? 5, 6? Could even cut it down by making it undamaged enemy minions.
     I fully support this idea. I think that could actually be appropriately costed at about 4. With a card like Unleash the Hounds you expect 3 enemy minions for it to get value, so I think this should be similar. Don't bother making it only target undamaged things, that would be pretty unnecessary.
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    posted a message on Class Development and Discussion Thread!! EVERYONE GET IN HERE!!!

    The Wizard!





    Augmented Cards:

     This is the final collection of cards for the Wizards classic and basic set. Of course, it also has a couple of cards for GvG and Naxx, but I'm not sure if I want to continue much further right now. I have far more classes I want to try making, like how I stated initlally, I'm trying to make a bunch of different classes from a wheel. It's not that I don't have any more ideas for this class, I mean, I already have half the GvG set done, and I've done a couple ideas for Whispers of the Old Gods. I just want to take a break from the countless amounts of augmented cards I'm making and maybe I could go for something more tame, and get a bit more time to think about concepts for the wizard, rather than fleshed out cards. Guess I'll go remake the wheel.
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