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    posted a message on A New Paladin Control - Feedback Appreciated

    I personally am a fan of Hammer of Wrath. Sometimes you just need to zap a minion and the card draw really helps.


    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on NEW! Pally Control including Plague Wing cards. 66% win rate

    Do you find the defender has enough targets with all the other taunts?

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on <[Season 8]> Tauntadin, GVG updates

    This deck is awesome in general, especially against other control decks. You will go on win streaks if you play smart.

    However, miracle rogue is a real chore, even with Loatheb. Yes, you can scorch the stealthed auctioneer if you have a board clear ready, but even then it seems like a hopeless matchup as all the expensive taunts just get sapped and there's not enough speed to do lethal by the time Leeroy is smacking you silly, and there's no healing from that. Lost to miracle 3 times in a row today at rank 10. I still don't see how this deck is an effective counter against mircale...

    Zoo is still a challenge as well. As I said with Kolento's last deck, when you're up against zoo you either get Consecrate/Wild Pyro/Equality early or it's R.I.P. Things are a little better now with the Sludge Belchers, but you still need a lot of faith in RNGesus when it comes to your early hand.

    All in all, this deck is a lot fun to play, but you gotta be very smart (and a little lucky at times) to be successful with it.

    Posted in: <[Season 8]> Tauntadin, GVG updates
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    posted a message on LEGEND (S6) Redemption Reloaded

    Looks good. Do you usually wait to play Redemption for the bigger guys (Sunwalker and Tirion) or do you pretty much play it at the earliest opportunity? If you could write up a more detailed guide or post a video, that would be so cool. Thanks!

    Posted in: LEGEND (S6) Redemption Reloaded
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    posted a message on Kolento #1 Legend Paladin


    Posted in: Kolento #1 Legend Paladin
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    posted a message on Kolento #1 Legend Paladin

    I actually find control warrior to be a rather favorable matchup for this deck, for the most part. However, subbing in BGH and a Spellbreaker helps a ton. I usually just sit back patiently and let them play stuff and then respond (hopefully by destroying or neutralizing whatever they play). Don't worry so much about their armor. If you play right, you'll wear it down in the end. You have to be willing to go for the long haul and you'll usually win when they run out of cards. I'd MUCH rather play against control warrior than zoo or miracle rogue, to be honest. Use the same strategy for priest as well.

    I played one warrior yesterday, and after picking off his pricey legendaries one by one, he conceded after running out of cards while I still had a full hand and a board presence. He friended me just to call me "the scum of the earth", and then instantly unfriended me...haha.

    Posted in: Kolento #1 Legend Paladin
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    posted a message on Kolento #1 Legend Paladin

    Thanks WeedHD! That's a great guide.

    In a nutshell: Wild Pyro + Spells in opening hand = you stand a chance...otherwise, R.I.P.

    Posted in: Kolento #1 Legend Paladin
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    posted a message on Kolento #1 Legend Paladin

    Nice work, man.

    Posted in: Kolento #1 Legend Paladin
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    posted a message on Kolento #1 Legend Paladin

    @real_lugge...Nice changes. I agree that BGH is essential, Ooze is worth it's weight in gold, and Blood Knight really helps against Zoo. SoJ is an interesting addtion as well. I'll have to try it.

    Posted in: Kolento #1 Legend Paladin
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    posted a message on Kolento #1 Legend Paladin

    I really like this deck. It's great against druids (especially if you sub in TBK).

    However, I find it almost impossible to beat miracle rouges. Zoolock is also a very tough matchup as well just because it's hard to keep up and easy to die before you can even get your big taunts out. The sad part is more than half my matchups seem to be rouges and warlocks. :/

    Posted in: Kolento #1 Legend Paladin
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