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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.11 [SUBMISSION]

    This card was deigned to be an effective wall against any attack or field. The card's effects is very powerful as to make it a legendary only card and is similar to the Red Riding Hood from the medivas brawl.

    The choice of stats and cost comes from the power of the effect, giving it a divine shield and deathrattle like Tirion Fordring makes it an annoying card to deal with and many fields may have to pour all of its resources just to kill it but even if there is still a board present or not when the deathrattle activates doesn't matter because the card would have preformed its job of soaking damage.

    This effect however does not synergies when he dies on your turn as the opponent cards cannot attack normally on another's turn.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 4

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.10 [SUBMISSION]

    Soul Fusion Totem



    This card has a similar effect to Barnes of using an effect from a card in your deck without removing that card from the deck. This card is also deigned to not get Battlecry minions so that it is always getting an important minion. This card is one mana lower than Barnes because even if Barnes gets a minon with Battlecry or a vanilla minion, overall it is still a 4/5 in stats. Some important things to consider in its balance is that if it gains the effects of normal cards like minions that have just Taunt, Spell Damage, or Stealth then it is a 0/4 Taunt minion for 3 mana. Sometimes this totem will get good effects like good Deathrattles or Ragnaros the Firelord etc. and sometimes it will get a Totem Golem with Overload. Because of how good and terrible this effect can be, like Barnes, the deck needs to be considerate of this card. This card is also just a 0/4 vanilla totem when pulled by Tuskarr Totemic.


    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 3

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.08 [SUBMISSION]


    This card follows the Hearthstone Team's Spell Damage design of Spell Damage minions being sticky on the board by having high health like Archmage and Frigid Snobold, or by being difficult to target like Mini-Mage.  This takes that idea and uses the Deathrattle mechanic so that if they do kill the minion, the spell damage is still available for the player. This minion also has similar stats to Harvest Golem, so as a regular minion it has 2/4 stats overall with spell damage. This is also similar to the original stats of the Dalaran Mage except more useful due to its similarities with Harvest Golem.


    Posted in: Fan Creations
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