• 2

    posted a message on So how many packs are you opening on 07.08 ?

    500 packs. I really need to craft all golden priest cards

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Thank you, Blizzard

    No. Your logic is flawed. Yes, to have the skin (at least for now) you need to pay 80 however you dont get ONLY the skin, you are also paying for (discounted) packs. So if you usually spend money to buy packs you would do this regardless. And if you dont spend money on packs you probably dont spend on skins anyways.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Activision-Blizzard has gone too far with the Mega Bundle

    I dont see the issue here. You either like the hero and buy the mega pack or you dont. If you say things like "its behind a paywall". Like many other hero skins you mean? Or preorder cardbacks? Why is this different now? Its basically blizzard decision how we get many things, specially aesthetic ones. People that dont spend money on this wont even pay for the regular bundle anyways.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Electra Stormsurge + Murmuring Elemental

    1-you play murmuring elemental

    2-you play electra, eating murmuring elemental battlecry and generating "your next spell is cast twice" twice, which by own murmuring elemental's rules is redudant so it will add nothing.

    3-you play a spell that is cast twice but that also spends the other trigger from murmuring elemental. This trigger will not wait for you to play a second spell so it triggers twice as well.  

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • -16

    posted a message on Rise of the Zombeasts is This Week's Tavern Brawl

    Wow. Another super long brawl with quite high rng. Yes its new but still, kinda meh for me. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Purchase advice

    Buy classic packs since you will use them forever and the rest buy 10 of each set you didnt buy yet (to have a garanteed legendary).

    If you can, play arena and try to get better so it can pay itself. It takes time but is rewarding

    The rest just... craft them. Decks like even or odd paladin are quite good and cheap

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Was Ben Brode Forced Out Because of his Shudderwock Comments?

    Mhhh... some of you never worked for a company it seems.

    When you get fired, specially for big companies, many times you don't leave right away. You usually stay a couple of days or weeks before leaving, completing what you were doing. Also, the company usually says that you should not mention anybody that (probably mentioned in the contract). 

    So, opposite to what many may believe, this is probably not sudden at all and both Brode and Chu knew this way before.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 3

    posted a message on Kobolds & Catacombs: Girls' Night Out
    Quote from Almaniarra >>

    I am a female and really can't get it why all females wants people to make a positive difference for females while they are supporting equality.

    I guess females must be more honest. If you want equality, don't want privilage. Just support equality.

    Also, They are females because mostly males playing this game and it is for their visual pleasure. Don't make illusions. It is about playerbase which Blizzard presents its game. All Games' playerbase is mostly male so, it must not surprise you that all iconic "heroes" of a game are females.

    Look at Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, Warcraft which are another games of Blizzard. Look at their heroes, new released characthers, etc. All are females. So don't take credit for that. They all are for male's again. They are not extolling females. It's not a reason to feel precious. There are other stuff that you can feel precious, don't waste it with bullshits like this.

    Also, If you stay in a while in general chat in Hots, You can see that they are discussing there the bodies' of heroes about how they are true, beautiful or not, and it refers that Those characthers is for males, not for extolling females. So I recommend you to wake up.  :)

     Maybe they just want to see more female characters being represented because they feel they arent enough? That is a totally valid thing to say. Of course, you can think otherwise, but hey, different strokes...
    Also, this has nothing to do with privilege. And most male players probably get their role models and feel connected with male characters, not female ones. And they are not "releasing new female chars" because of that. That is totally made up.
    And the hots chat also has nothing to do with this. And they discuss that because they are young people, they are male, and thats it basically.

    Regarding the topic, Its funny because if they were all males, many people here would probably give a monkey's butt. But if they are all female, then they get so mad... i think its cool they way blizzard is currently doing it, so, keep it up blizzard!
    Posted in: General Chat
  • 1

    posted a message on Molten Blade

    If it had the power to turn into collectible weapons from other classrs before... why not?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on How Bonemare is responsible for devastating the meta

    I aggree that bonemare is kinda unbalanced for the stat difference it creates (and being common). Yes, we need strong common cards but I think it should have either less body or buff less.
    Scalebane is also quite on the same route. I think its even worse. It snowballs SO HARD that most of the time it becomes impossible to stop that for most decks. Its like a fldegling but without even attacking.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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