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    posted a message on Can We Talk About nerfing C'Thun For a Hot Second?

    C'thun is an interesting card in a n'zoth rogue with 1 or 2 blade of c'thuns and a veklor, but otherwise it is generally boring and underpowered. It's cards are reasonably good, being vanilla stats with an effect that can impact the game significantly. But since that effect is delayed and dependent on a single card it is less good. techinically the effects apply to up to 4 cards but most of those stop getting benefits after a few c'thun buffs, and don't even require c'thun. We have seen decks without c'thun but with a few c'thun buffs and a vek'lor be better than those with c'thun. this realy shows how c'thun is not the card that is overpowered in a c'thun deck, it is really the vek'lor. The fact you have to run 2 or more mediocre cards to make vek'lor work is excusable because it is better than dr. boom was, but c'thun is not only unreliable but kind of weak. It generally is used as a finisher in games you already won and rarely as a saving grace that wins you a game you were losing, the saving grace in c'thun decks is vek'lor. If any c'thun related card in this expansion is too good it is vek'lor, and he is not even good enough to be played in alot of decks because many decks are so reliant on every card in their deck. 

    TLDR:c'thun is not as good as vek'lor, and it is not even close to op in this meta.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Shadow Towers - Tavern Brawl #50

    I played patron warrior with a little bit more late game and alarm-o-bot as well as a divine shield/agro pally. I have to say both do very well. all the tempo mages just lose because they don't have enough to consistently deal with the board of either. Agro decks lose to patron as they always have and slow decks lose to a board constantly full of divine shields. All the people playing agro shaman actually cry against both these decks because both are willing to take some face damage, especially with the 10 armor, and just control the board better than an agro shaman can. love this brawl would love to see it again in the future.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on I suck in Arena, HELP!

    I personally get between 4 and 5 wins consistently, at least when my internet works. but I often get 7 or 8 and I can say that whenever I do well I don't always pick the "best" card of the three. you need to think about your curve and what kind of cards you have and not the value a card has. Tempo is the core concept in arena these days and that has to do with the way that so many cards can introduce big cards to your deck and deal with big cards so well, but as some of those cards are being diluted the same concepts continue but are not as powerful alone. You have to balance big cards with cards that snowball out of control with cards that force your opponent to deal with them with cards that give tempo with ones that decrease it. I find that knowing what kinds of effects every card has on tempo and the board is useful to knowing what to pick next. In other words it is a lot of practice but basic tips are: discover is powerful, removal of any kind is powerful, earlygame, especially one and two drops, are important, and inspire effects are powerful. Hopefully this helps, but arena is hard.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Pirate Warrior Climbing

    I would replace the frothing, it is a good card in some scenarios but I feel like Bloodhoof Brave or maybe just Inner Rage would be better. You could also just replace one of them or replace it with one of both bloodhoof and inner rage. Although I bet many people would say that a charger for extra burst would be better than any of those options.

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Is Eydis Darkbane a dead card now?

    Eydis darkbane is not dead, she never really lived, she is only in joke decks, nothing ladder or tournament worthy.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Your Arena Run In 6 Words

    Burgle best card, internet fails, awwwwwwwwwwwww.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Which N'zoth deck? Which cards to craft?

    sylvanas is a must, in lots of control decks so it couldn't hurt to craft her, she is also classic so even better, n'zoth paladin and rogue both seem to be pretty good right now and you want xaril poisoned mind for n'zoth rogue if you build it. The rag lightlord is good but not stritly necessary, definitely craft it if you can and you go for n'zoth paladin though.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What adventure should I buy?

    yeah first wing of blackrock and at least the first 3 of loe, the last one gives mostly slower cards which you only need if you are running control, which you probably aren't and I actually think it has worse cards overall than the other wings of loe. Also when the next year rolls round anything you get from those expansions becomes extra dust so if you are using in game gold to get them and only in game gold it is a solid investment to save for all of them.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is Aggro still Alive?

    Agro decks are better than they were before WotOG, they have more powerful minions, but those minions are easier to deal with than before and are more interesting to strategize against. It is also more interesting to play modern agro decks, slightly more strategy. On top of all that midrange decks got some huge tools in many classes that let them deal with those agro decks, for instance patron warrior is super good right now. And then control decks are more varied and more interesting as well as getting some tools to deal with the new agro decks and new midrange decks. Combo decks are also more versatile and interactive than they were before with miracle being back in the meta and variations on patron with a otk combo in them. agro is still alive because it got some nice tools, but it is less cancerous than before, I win every game against zoolock with my patron deck and I can beat shaman quite a bit, I don't see hunter much anymore but when I do it is rarely agro and that makes me happy because hunter face decks were boring to play against, loss or win. I think all the people raging about agro in this meta just don't have the cards to build a deck that counters it. The meta is slower than it has been in a while and I think more fun, and the agro decks contribute to making the meta more varied and so forces decks to consider all their possible opponents. Also build a patron otk deck if you are having trouble in this meta, it defeats lots of control decks and almost every agro deck in the game right now.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Game] Name another card that has the same...

    Bolvar Fordragon (effect that occurs while in your hand)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Problems with the new brawl

    ok everyone, here who is raging, you have not tried enough, there are like 16 viable decks in this meta and it is a giant game of which decks beat which other decks, every deck has a counter, it is possible to beat any mech deck with a mage ice block deck, any ice block deck with a well played coldlight naturalize and so on. nothing is op


    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on The Most OP decks for Top 2!

    so I have now tried lots of both fatigue druids, they are both very good in different scenarios, I have beaten many non hunter mech decks and any spell deck that does not run enough stuff to kill on turn 3 or play iceblock on turn 3 with the innervate variety. Naturalize version is also good but deals much better with certain minon decks and worse with spell ones except mages which are luck dependent matchups. 

    So everyone that thinks innervate coldlight sucks is just super unlucky or really bad at playing 7 coldlights on turn 1 or 2.



    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on The Most OP decks for Top 2!

    I have been playing innervate coldlight, and it is much better than naturalize coldlight in many matchups because the point is to summon 7 2/2s by turn 1 or 2 and then to use them to clear board and hit face then toward turn 3 or 4 you do another draw combo and fatigue both you and your opponent because you did more damage.

    I also played some of frost nova, ice lance this deck loses badly to decks that are good at bursting with spells but is so much better against fatigue druids and minion only decks than anything else I have tried.

    Soul fire fist of jaraxxus works but is super reliant on lucky draw and loses to board flooders.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on Yogg is OP

    most of the time when I see yogg is does almost nothing, like it literally change the board in almost no way, the person who was winning is still winning and the loser is still losing. I have once seen it do super well, and also once seen it completely crush the person who played it. Overall it is a 10 mana 7/5 with almost no effect, so kinda bad.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Which deck counters N'Zoth paladin?

    any deck with a one turn kill can easily beat a n'zoth paladin deck, freeze mage just lives and then combos the paladin down, the warrior deck on the front page of hearthpwn has a one turn kill that it uses to just destroy n'zoth a large amount of the time, even an embrace the shadow priest witht he right cards can take on a n'zoth paladin deck and win pretty consistently. The problem with playing these decks is they are hard. THey require practice and good knowledge of how and when to save for what kind of lethal and draw all the cards you need.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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